CCH Wolters Kluwer PFX Engagement 7.1 - Local Privilege Escalation

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2014-9113  
Publish Date: 28 Nov 2014

                # Exploit Title: CCH Wolters Kluwer PFX Engagement <= v7.1 Local Privilege

# Date: 11/26/14
# Exploit Author:
# Vendor Homepage:

# Version: PFX Engagement <= v7.1
# Tested on: Windows XP -> Windows 8, 2003, 2008, 2012
# CVE : 2014-9113

Product Affected:
CCH Wolters Kluwer PFX Engagement <= v7.1
This vulnerability has been reference checked this against multiple
installs. This configuration was identical across all systems and each
version encountered.

Attack Detail:
The PFX services for engagement install with LOCAL SYSTEM service
credentials in the directory C:\PFX Engagement\

 [image: Inline image 1]

The executables that are installed, by default, allow AUTHENTICATED USERS
to modify, replace or alter the file. This would allow an attacker to
inject their code or replace the executable and have it run in the context
of the system.
[image: Inline image 2]
This would allow complete compromise of a machine on which it was
installed, giving the process LOCAL SYSTEM access to the machine in
question. An attacker can replace the file or append code to the
executable, reboot the system or restart the service and it would then
 compromise the machine. As LOCAL SYSTEM is the highest privilege level on
a machine, this allows total control and access to all parts of the system.
This affects both the server and workstation builds.


Remove the modify/write permissions on the executables to allow only
privileged users to alter the files.
Apply vendor patch when distributed.

Vulnerability Discovered: 11/26/2014
Vendor Notified: 11/26/2014
Vendor states this will be patched with next software update.

This vulnerability was discovered by Please
credit the author in all references to this exploit.