Prizm Content Connect - Arbitrary File Upload

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-5190  
Publish Date: 09 Jan 2013

Prizm Content Connect is prone to an arbitrary file-upload vulnerability because it fails to adequately validate files before uploading them.

An attacker may leverage this issue to upload arbitrary files to the affected computer; this can result in an arbitrary code execution within the context of the vulnerable application.

Prizm Content Connect 5.1 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected. 

Proof of concept

First, the attacker causes the Prizm Content Connect software to download
the malicious ASPX file:

The resulting page discloses the filename to which the ASPX file was
downloaded, e.g.:

Document Location: C:\Project\

Full Document Path: C:\Project\ajwyfw45itxwys45fgzomrmv.aspx

Temp Location: C:\tempcache\

The attacker then requests the ASPX shell from the root of the website: