WordPress Plugin wordTube 1.43 - 'wpPATH' Remote File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-2482   CVE-2007-2481  
Publish Date: 01 May 2007
Author: K-159
                ____________________   ___ ___ ________
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 |    __)_ /    \  \//    ~    \/   |   \ 
 |        \\     \___\    Y    /    |    \
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[ECHO_ADV_81$2007] wordpress plugins wordTube <= 1.43 (wpPATH) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

Author         : M.Hasran Addahroni
Date           : April, 30th 2007
Location       : Australia, Sydney
Web            : http://advisories.echo.or.id/adv/adv81-K-159-2007.txt
Critical Lvl   : Dangerous
Impact	       : System access
Where	       : From Remote

Affected software description:

Application   : wordTube  
version       : <= 1.43
Vendor        : http://alexrabe.boelinger.com/?page_id=20
Description :

This plugin creates your personal YouTube plugin for wordpress.
wordTube supports the streaming video format (Format .flv or .swf), 
sound files as MP3 and JPG, GIF or PNG grafic files.


- Invalid include function at wordtube-button.php :  

// get and set path of function

if (!$_POST) $wppath=$_GET['wpPATH'];
else $wppath=$_POST['wpPATH'];


Input passed to the "wpPATH" parameter in wordtube-button.php is not properly verified before being used to include files. 
This can be exploited to include arbitrary files from local or external resources.
Successful exploitation requires that "register_globals" is enabled.



Google dork:


- Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly verified.
- Turn off register_globals
- use the latest version 

- 30-04-2007 bugs found
- 30-04-2007 vendor contacted 
-  1-05-2007 advisory released


~ ping - my dearest wife, and my little son, for all the luv the tears n the breath
~ y3dips,the_day,moby,comex,z3r0byt3,c-a-s-e,S`to,lirva32,negative, str0ke (for the best comments)
~ masterpop3,maSter-oP,Lieur-Euy,Mr_ny3m,bithedz,murp,an0maly,fleanux,baylaw
~ SinChan,h4ntu,cow_1seng,sakitjiwa, m_beben, rizal, cR4SH3R, madkid, kuntua, stev_manado, nofry, x16
~ newbie_hacker@yahoogroups.com
~ #aikmel #e-c-h-o @irc.dal.net


     K-159 || echo|staff || eufrato[at]gmail[dot]com
     Homepage: http://k-159.echo.or.id/

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# milw0rm.com [2007-05-01]