pSys 0.7.0.a - 'shownews' SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-5269  
Publish Date: 05 Jun 2008
Author: anonymous
#pSys - 0.7.0. alpha shownews SQL Injection
#Bug by: h0yt3r
#Bug in here:
# if (isset($_REQUEST['shownews']) && $_REQUEST['shownews'] != "") {
#    $sqlbefehl="Select titel from $tab_news Where id = '".intval($_REQUEST['shownews'])."'";
#    $gettitel = mysql_query($sqlbefehl,$serverid);
#    $news=mysql_fetch_array($gettitel);
#    $pagetitle = $pset['systitle']." - ".htmlspecialchars($news['titel']);
#    //Hit Count
#    $sqlbefehl = "Update $tab_news Set Counter=Counter+1 Where id = '".intval($_REQUEST['shownews'])."'";
#    @mysql_query($sqlbefehl,$serverid);
# }
#Ok, as we can see the script uses intval to convert the value of $shownews to an integer,
#so a normal Select Injection would return nothing.
#But it is still possible to inject and echo the right values using a simple CONVERT() or CAST() subquery.
#Make sure that your subquery returns only one row by setting limit n,1.
#In standard configuration the table prefix is "ps_". But it also can be somethin like "powie_"
#like it is set in version 0.69.
#Remember that you can use information_schema.tables when mySQL Version >= 5 for finding prefixes and names.
#And by the way Powie uses a nice password encryption style, so have fun with it:
# if ($checkuser == 1) {
#         srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
#         $newpass = md5(uniqid(rand()));
#         $pwd = substr($newpass, 0, 10);
# }
#SQL Injection:
#Greetz to thund3r, b!zZ!t, ramon, Sys-Flaw, Free-Hack and the great h4ck-y0u Team!

# [2008-06-05]