Hot Links SQL-PHP 3 - 'report.php' Multiple Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-4379   CVE-2008-4378  
Publish Date: 09 Sep 2008
Author: sl4xUz
#        ___    __ __                  __  __            
#       /\_ \  /\ \\ \                /\ \/\ \           
#   ____\//\ \ \ \ \\ \    __  _ __  _\ \ \ \ \  ____    
#  /',__\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \_ /\ \/'\\ \/'\\ \ \ \ \/\_ ,`\  
# /\__, `\ \_\ \_\ \__ ,__\\>  <\\>   <\\ \ \_\ \/_/  /_ 
# \/\____/ /\____\\/_/\_\_//\_/\_\\_/\_\ \ \_____\/\____\
#  \/___/  \/____/   \/_/  \//\/_///\/_/  \/_____/\/____/
#                                 security breakd0wn!
# Title: Hot Links SQL-PHP 3 (report.php) Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Vendor:
# Vulnerable Version: 3 and prior versions
# Fix: N/A
# c0ntact: sl4x.xuz[at]gmail[dot]com
# d0rk: "Powered By: Hot Links SQL-PHP 3"
# stop lammo

  1. Information
     Hot Links was the initial script developed by Mr CGI Guy back in 2001 as a simple way to manage outgoing links. It intially was introduced as Hot Links Lite and was distributed for free.

  2. Vulnerabilities
     SQL Injection in "report.php" in the "id" parameter.
     Cross Site Scripting in "report.php" in the "id" parameter.

  3. PoC


# [2008-09-09]