
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-0957   CVE-2006-0958  
Publish Date: 11 Mar 2006
                New eVuln Advisory:
FreeForum PHP Code Execution & Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

eVuln ID: EV0089
CVE: CVE-2006-0957 CVE-2006-0958
Vendor: ZoneO-Soft
Vendor's Web Site: http://soft.zoneo.net/
Software: FreeForum
Sowtware's Web Site: http://soft.zoneo.net/freeForum/
Versions: 1.2
Critical Level: Dangerous
Type: Multiple Vulnerabilities
Class: Remote
Status: Patched
PoC/Exploit: Available
Solution: Available
Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (eVuln.com)

1. PHP Code Execution Vulnerability.

Vulnerable Script: func.inc.php

Variables $_SERVER[HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR] $_SERVER[HTTP_CLIENT_IP] are not sanitized before being written into 'Data/flood.db.php' file. This can be used to inject arbitrary PHP code by posting HTTP query with fake X-Forwarded-For or Client-ip values.

System access is possible.

2. Multiple Cross-Site Scripting

Vulnerable Script: func.inc.php

Variables $name $subject are not properly sanitized. This can be used to post message with arbitrary HTML or JavaScript code.

Available at: http://evuln.com/vulns/89/exploit.html

PerlBlog Multiple Vulnerabilities


   1. PHP Code Execution Example.
   HTTP Query:
   POST /freeforum/index.php HTTP/1.0
   Host: [host]
   X-Forwarded-For: anyIP<? [code] ?>
   Content-Length: 91

   2. Cross-Site Scripting Example.
   URL: http://[host]/freeforum/index.php
   Your name: [XSS]
   Subject: [XSS]

Vendor-provided solution is available now.
Install or Upgrade to version 1.2.1


Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (eVuln.com)

Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu
http://evuln.com - Penetration Testing Services