e107 Plugin alternate_profiles - 'id' SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-4785  
Publish Date: 27 Oct 2008
Author: boom3rang
e107 Plugin alternate_profiles (newuser.php?id) Remote SQL-injetion Vulnerability
[~] Author boom3rang
[~] Site www.khg-crew.ws
[~] Greetz KHG & H!tm@N & chs & redc00de & proxy-ki11er  & Hurley
[!] Script Name: E107
[!] Plugin Vuln: alternate_profiles/newuser.php?id=
[!] Dork:  inurl:"/alternate_profiles/

[-] POC:
[-] Exploit:
[-] LiveDemo:
- United States of Albania
- Proud to be Albanian
- Proud to be Muslim

# milw0rm.com [2008-10-27]