PHP Photo Album 0.8b - 'preview' Local File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-0423  
Publish Date: 14 Jan 2009
Author: Osirys

[0x01] Informations:

Script         : Php Photo Album 0.8 BETA
Download       :
Vulnerability  : Local File Inclusion
Author         : Osirys
Contact        : osirys[at]live[dot]it
Website        :
Notes          : Proud to be Italian

[0x02] Bug: [Local File Inclusion]

Bugged file is: /[path]/index.php


$skin_temp = $_GET['preview'];
if(isset($_GET['preview']) && file_exists("./skin/$skin_temp/config.php")){
	$skin = $_GET['preview'];
	$skin = vari("skin");


If 'preview' from GET is provided, we can include it just bypassing a stupid cheek.
file_exists("./skin/$skin_temp/config.php) <-- this cheek is stupid, becouse when
we set a value to $skin_temp , if we set a local file with a directory trasversal
it's obvious that the file exists, so it will be included.

[!] FIX: Use another filter instead of file_exists("./skin/$skin_temp/config.php)
         Just filter $skin_temp before include it. A fix could be to declare $skin
         with a standard or local value, or just put the allowed values in an array,
         and cheek then if the skin provided is allowed. See is_in_array() function

[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/index.php?preview=[local_file]%00



# [2009-01-14]