TekBase All-in-One 3.1 - Multiple SQL Injections

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-2120  
Publish Date: 17 Jun 2009
Author: n3wb0ss

# Author: n3wb0ss
# Date: 15/06/09
# Contact: n3wboss@Safe-mail.net
# Software: TekBase All-in-One 3.1 
# Vendor: tekbase.de
# Example: http://demo.tekbase.de/
# Vendor contacted: No
# Risk: High
# I found this website on a german board, looking for another script.
# Looks to me, like a Gameserver,TS-Server,Whatever-Server-Managing Script. No matter...
# It's vuln I found a lot more, but I decided to release just two examples to the public.
# U need accessdate, you can get them for demo on tekbase.de (Admin&Customer-Login)
# Here it is (adminaccess needed):
# Unfortunately I can't provide any sourcecode of this shit... it's closed source crap. But I think it should be easy to get it :P
# Have fun!
# POC: 

# Second one( just be a member):
# POC:

# As said before, just 2 of many vulns
# H4ppy Gr33tinGs to the only On3

# milw0rm.com [2009-06-17]