Open-AudIT Professional 2.1.1 Cross Site Scripting

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-9155  
Publish Date: 13 May 2018

                # Exploit Title: Open-AudIT Professional 2.1.1 a Multiple Cross-Site Scripting 
# Exploit Author: Tejesh Kolisetty
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Affected Version: 2.1.1
# Category: WebApps
# Tested on: Win7 Professional
# CVE : CVE-2018-9155
# 1. Vendor Description:
# Network Discovery and Inventory Software | Open-AudIT | Opmantek
# Discover what's on your network. Open-AudIT is the world's leading network discovery, inventory and audit program. Used by over 10,000 customers.
# 2. Technical Description:
# Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability found in Multiple instances of
Open-AudIT Professional - 2.1.1 that allows remote attackers to inject
arbitrary web script or HTML, as demonstrated in below POC.
# 3. Proof of Concept:
# a) Login as user who is having Attributes Creation role
# b) Navigate to Manage -> Attributes -> Create Attributes
# c) Now fill the form with XSS payload in aNamea field and submit payload: <script>alert('XSS')</script>
# d) Once the data is saved, the script get executed.
# Multiple Instances:
Admin -> Logs -> View System Logs
Manage -> Attributes -> Create Attributes
Manage -> Users -> Create Users
# 4. Solution:
# Clone with below Gits:
# Or Upgrade to latest release Open-AudIT Professional
