PowerDNS Security Advisory 2024-03: Transfer requests received over DoH can lead to a denial of service in DNSdist

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-25581  
                Hi all,

Two work-arounds are available:

The full security advisory is provided below, and can also be
found at

A minimal patch can also be found here:

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any question.

Best regards,

Remi Gacogne
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/


- CVE: CVE-2024-25581
- Date: May 13th 2024

- Not affected: PowerDNS DNSdist 1.9.4
- Severity: High (only in specific configurations, see below)
- Impact: Denial of service

- Risk of system compromise: None

Two workarounds are available: