PHPMyFAQ 2.9.8 - Cross-Site Scripting (3)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-15727  
Publish Date: 28 Oct 2017

                # Exploit Title: phpMyFAQ 2.9.8 Stored XSS Vulnerability 
# Date: 28-9-2017
# Exploit Author: Nikhil Mittal (Payatu Labs)
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link: 
# Version: 2.9.8
# Tested on: MAC OS
# CVE : 2017-15727

1. Description

In phpMyFAQ before 2.9.9, there is Stored Cross-site Scripting (XSS) via an HTML attachment.

2. Proof of concept

Exploit code

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>XSS EXPLOIT</title>

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a user having limited access rights to attachment section 
2. Goto http://localhost/phpmyfaq/admin/?action=editentry
2. Upload the exploit code with .html extension at the place of attachements
3. Access the file url generated at /phpmyfaq/attachments/<random_path>
4. Reach to last file using directory traversal and XSS will triage 

3. Solution 

Update to phpMyFAQ Version 2.9.9