Microsoft MSN Messenger 7.x/8.0? - Video Remote Heap Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-2931  
Publish Date: 29 Aug 2007
Author: wushi

                MSN messenger 7.x (8.0?) VIDEO Remote Heap Overflow Exploit

thanks ole andre again, His ospy is perfect.

1.compile the dll.
2.inject the dll to msn messenger 7.0.777.0 's process.
3. choose "send my webcam" to a contact id who is online using 7.x (8.0?).
4.when the otherside accept the invatation , the otherside's msn will be at least crashed, if you using aChinese version windows 2000 sp4 , maybe a reverse shell , if other verison windows 2000, you need adjust the jmpa address in the dll's sourcecode. (08292007-exp_msn.rar)

# [2007-08-29]