*Exploit Title:* IDOR on ProConf Peer-Review and Conference Management System
*Date:* 19/07/2018
*Exploit Author:* S. M. Zia Ur Rashid
*Author Contact:* https://www.linkedin.com/in/ziaurrashid/
*Vendor Homepage:* http://proconf.org & http://myproconf.org
*Affected Version:* <= 6.0
*Patched Version:* 6.1
*CVE ID:* CVE-2018-16606
In ProConf before 6.1, an Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) allows
any author to view and grab all submitted papers (Title and Abstract) and
their authors' personal information (Name, Email, Organization, and
Position) by changing the value of Paper ID (the pid parameter).
Step 1: Sign In as an author for a conference & submit a paper. Youall get
a paper ID.
Step 2: Now go to paper details and change the value of Paper ID (param
pid=xxxx) to nearest previous value to view others submitted paper &
authors information.
http:// <http:>