INFOR EAM 11.0 Build 201410 Cross Site Scripting

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-7953  
Publish Date: 15 May 2017
Author: Yoroi

                Stored XSS in INFOR EAM V11.0 Build 201410 via comment fields
Assigned CVE: CVE-2017-7953

Reproduction steps:
1. Log in with your EAM account
2. Go to the jobs page
3. Click on a record and open its page
4. Go to "Comments" tab
4. Click the add new comment button
5. Insert a comment containing javascript code, e.g. <img src=fakesource 
onerror="alert(document.cookie)"> Fake comment here
6. Save, and after page reloading the XSS should trigger

PoC Screenshot:

In EAM software user comments have read classification to every 
authenticated users. Any authenticated user could became a valid victim to 
the described attack by navigate (spontaneously or not) to the infected 
page. The comment visualization triggers injected javascript code.
On the other side any user able to write a comment could become a possible 
attacker by introducing javascript into the comment body.

By reading browser cookies an attacker could ultimately grab administrative 
credentials having access to each available EAM action.
The vulnerability could ultimately allow an attacker to steal credential, 
leak sensitive data, trick user to download malware.

Disclosure timeline

26.04.2017 Vulnerability reported to vendor
15.05.2017 Advisory published
