Information leakage found in FRITZ!OS 6.83 & 6.80 (AVM DSL Router Fritz!Box 7490) [DTC-A-20170323-001]

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-8087  

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<h1 class="m-title">Information leakage found in FRITZ!OS 6.83 &amp; 6.80 (AVM DSL Router Fritz!Box 7490) [DTC-A-20170323-001]</h1>

<em>From</em>: &lt;CERT () telekom de&gt;

<em>Date</em>: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:20:04 +0000

<pre style="margin: 0em;">Deutsche Telekom CERT Advisory [DTC-A-20170323-001]



CVE-2017-8087: Information leakage found in FRITZ!OS 6.83 &amp; 6.80 (AVM DSL
Router Fritz!Box 7490)



Update to the newest Version of FRITZ!OS



a) application

b) problem


d) detailed description

e) credits




a) FRITZ!OS 6.83 &amp; 6.80 (AVM DSL Router Fritz!Box 7490)


b) Memory leakage within the PPPoE/PPP padding 


c) 4.7 CVSS:3.0/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N/RL:U



Multiple DSL access router (aka Homegateway / CPE) handle PPPoE frame
padding incorrectly.

Instead of padding frames with zeroes, frames are padded with random memory,
allowing an attacker (with physical access to wire between PPPoE endpoints)
to view slices of previously transmitted packets or portions of kernel

This seems to be similar to
<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.


AVM DSL Router Fritz!Box 7490 (tested with FRITZ!OS 6.83 &amp; 6.80) sends
portion of memory within PPPoE Discovery protocol PADT frames because
arbitrary memory is used in the padding to reach the minimum Ethernet frame


Further research shows that “short” PPP LCP frames are also padded with
random memory.


e) Christian Kagerhuber 


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards, 

Deutsche Telekom CERT



Telekom Security

Cyber Defense Reponse

E-Mail:  &lt;<a rel="nofollow" href="mailto:cert">mailto:cert</a> () telekom de&gt; cert () telekom de

&lt;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
cherheit/sicherheit/rfc-2350-deutsche-telekom-cert-342710&gt; 0xA8FF58B4


You can find the compulsory statement on:
&lt;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>&gt;


<a href="att-36/smime_p7s.bin"><tt>smime.p7s</tt></a></strong>

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<li><strong>Information leakage found in FRITZ!OS 6.83 &amp; 6.80 (AVM DSL Router Fritz!Box 7490) [DTC-A-20170323-001]</strong> <em>CERT (Oct 18)</em>
