[KIS-2021-03] ExpressionEngine <= 6.0.2 (Translate::save) PHP Code Injection Vulnerability

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-27230  

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<h1 class="m-title">[KIS-2021-03] ExpressionEngine &lt;= 6.0.2 (Translate::save) PHP Code Injection Vulnerability</h1>

<em>From</em>: research () karmainsecurity com

<em>Date</em>: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 20:13:46 +0100

<pre style="margin: 0em;">----------------------------------------------------------------------------
</pre><tt>ExpressionEngine &lt;= 6.0.2 (Translate::save) PHP Code Injection 
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[-] Software Link:

<a rel="nofollow" href="https://expressionengine.com/">https://expressionengine.com/</a>

[-] Affected Versions:

Version 6.0.2 and prior versions.
Version 5.4.1 and prior versions.

[-] Vulnerability Description:

</pre><tt>The vulnerable code is located in the 
</tt><tt>"ExpressionEngine\Controller\Utilities\Translate::save()" method:
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">
362.        private function save($language, $file)
363.        {
365.            $file = ee()-&gt;security-&gt;sanitize_filename($file);
367.            $dest_dir = $this-&gt;languages_dir . $language . '/';
368.            $filename = $file . '_lang.php';
369.            $dest_loc = $dest_dir . $filename;
371.            $str = '&lt;?php' . "\n" . '$lang = array(' . "\n\n\n";
373.            ee()-&gt;lang-&gt;loadfile($file);
375.            foreach ($_POST as $key =&gt; $val) {
376.                $val = str_replace('&lt;script', '', $val);
377.                $val = str_replace('&lt;iframe', '', $val);
</pre><tt>378.                $val = str_replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", 
</tt><tt>"\'"), $val);
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">379.
</pre><tt>380.                $str .= '\'' . $key . '\' =&gt; ' . "\n" . '\'' . $val 
</tt><tt>. '\'' . ",\n\n";
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">381.            }
383.            $str .= "''=&gt;''\n);\n\n";
384.            $str .= "// End of File";


400.            $this-&gt;load-&gt;helper('file');
402.            if (write_file($dest_loc, $str)) {
403.                ee('CP/Alert')-&gt;makeInline('shared-form')
404.                    -&gt;asSuccess()
405.                    -&gt;withTitle(lang('translations_saved'))
</pre><tt>406.                    -&gt;addToBody(sprintf(lang('file_saved'), 
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">407.                    -&gt;defer();

</pre><tt>User input passed via keys of POST parameters is not properly sanitized 
</tt><tt>before being assigned
</tt><tt>to the "$str" variable at line 380. Such a variable will be used in a 
</tt><tt>call to the "write_file()"
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">function at line 402, trying to write user supplied content into the
</pre><tt>/system/user/language/[lang]/[file]_lang.php file. This can be exploited 
</tt><tt>to inject and execute arbitrary PHP code. Successful exploitation of 
</tt><tt>this vulnerability requires an account with
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">permissions to access the CP translation system utilities.

[-] Solution:

Upgrade to version 6.0.3, 5.4.2, or later.

[-] Disclosure Timeline:

[03/02/2021] - Vendor notified through HackerOne
[15/02/2021] - Vulnerability acknowledged by the vendor
[16/02/2021] - CVE number assigned
[17/02/2021] - Version 6.0.3 released
[04/03/2021] - Version 5.4.2 released
[15/03/2021] - Public disclosure

[-] CVE Reference:

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org)
has assigned the name CVE-2021-27230 to this vulnerability.

[-] Credits:

Vulnerability discovered by Egidio Romano.

[-] Other References:

<a rel="nofollow" href="https://hackerone.com/reports/1093444">https://hackerone.com/reports/1093444</a>

[-] Original Advisory:

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://karmainsecurity.com/KIS-2021-03">http://karmainsecurity.com/KIS-2021-03</a>

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<li><strong>[KIS-2021-03] ExpressionEngine &lt;= 6.0.2 (Translate::save) PHP Code Injection Vulnerability</strong> <em>research (Mar 15)</em>
