DSA-3058-1 torque -- security update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2014-3684  

Chad Vizino reported a vulnerability in torque, a PBS-derived batch processing queueing system. A non-root user could exploit the flaw in the tm_adopt() library call to kill any process, including root-owned ones on any node in a job. For the stable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed in version 2.4.16+dfsg-1+deb7u4. For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 2.4.16+dfsg-1.5. We recommend that you upgrade your torque packages.

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-3058-1 torque -- security update

Date Reported:
27 Oct 2014
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In the Debian bugtracking system: Bug 763922.
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2014-3684.
More information:

Chad Vizino reported a vulnerability in torque, a PBS-derived batch processing queueing system. A non-root user could exploit the flaw in the tm_adopt() library call to kill any process, including root-owned ones on any node in a job.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed in version 2.4.16+dfsg-1+deb7u4.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 2.4.16+dfsg-1.5.

We recommend that you upgrade your torque packages.