DSA-043-1 zope -- remote exploit

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2001-0568   CVE-2001-0569  

This advisory covers several vulnerabilities in Zope that have been addressed. Hotfix 08_09_2000 "Zope security alert and hotfix product" The issue involves the fact that the getRoles method of user objects contained in the default UserFolder implementation returns a mutable Python type. Because the mutable object is still associated with the persistent User object, users with the ability to edit DTML could arrange to give themselves extra roles for the duration of a single request by mutating the roles list as a part of the request processing. Hotfix 2000-10-02 "ZPublisher security update" It is sometimes possible to access, through a URL only, objects protected by a role which the user has in some context, but not in the context of the accessed object. Hotfix 2000-10-11 "ObjectManager subscripting" The issue involves the fact that the 'subscript notation' that can be used to access items of ObjectManagers (Folders) did not correctly restrict return values to only actual sub items. This made it possible to access names that should be private from DTML (objects with names beginning with the underscore '_' character). This could allow DTML authors to see private implementation data structures and in certain cases possibly call methods that they shouldn't have access to from DTML. Hotfix 2001-02-23 "Class attribute access" The issue is related to ZClasses in that a user with through-the-web scripting capabilities on a Zope site can view and assign class attributes to ZClasses, possibly allowing them to make inappropriate changes to ZClass instances. A second part fixes problems in the ObjectManager, PropertyManager, and PropertySheet classes related to mutability of method return values which could be perceived as a security problem. These fixes are included in zope 2.1.6-7 for Debian 2.2 (potato). We recommend you upgrade your zope package immediately.

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-043-1 zope -- remote exploit

Date Reported:
09 Mar 2001
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In the Bugtraq database (at SecurityFocus): BugTraq ID 2458.
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2001-0568, CVE-2001-0569.
More information:
This advisory covers several vulnerabilities in Zope that have been addressed.
Hotfix 08_09_2000 "Zope security alert and hotfix product"
The issue involves the fact that the getRoles method of user objects contained in the default UserFolder implementation returns a mutable Python type. Because the mutable object is still associated with the persistent User object, users with the ability to edit DTML could arrange to give themselves extra roles for the duration of a single request by mutating the roles list as a part of the request processing.
Hotfix 2000-10-02 "ZPublisher security update"
It is sometimes possible to access, through a URL only, objects protected by a role which the user has in some context, but not in the context of the accessed object.
Hotfix 2000-10-11 "ObjectManager subscripting"
The issue involves the fact that the 'subscript notation' that can be used to access items of ObjectManagers (Folders) did not correctly restrict return values to only actual sub items. This made it possible to access names that should be private from DTML (objects with names beginning with the underscore '_' character). This could allow DTML authors to see private implementation data structures and in certain cases possibly call methods that they shouldn't have access to from DTML.
Hotfix 2001-02-23 "Class attribute access"
The issue is related to ZClasses in that a user with through-the-web scripting capabilities on a Zope site can view and assign class attributes to ZClasses, possibly allowing them to make inappropriate changes to ZClass instances.
A second part fixes problems in the ObjectManager, PropertyManager, and PropertySheet classes related to mutability of method return values which could be perceived as a security problem.
These fixes are included in zope 2.1.6-7 for Debian 2.2 (potato). We recommend you upgrade your zope package immediately.
Fixed in:

Debian 2.2 (potato)
