DSA-5181-1 request-tracker4 -- security update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-25802  

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Request Tracker, an extensible trouble-ticket tracking system. CVE-2022-25802 It was discovered that Request Tracker is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack when displaying attachment content with fraudulent content types. Additionally it was discovered that Request Tracker did not perform full rights checks on accesses to file or image type custom fields, possibly allowing access to these custom fields by users without rights to access to the associated objects, resulting in information disclosure. For the oldstable distribution (buster), these problems have been fixed in version 4.4.3-2+deb10u2. For the stable distribution (bullseye), these problems have been fixed in version 4.4.4+dfsg-2+deb11u2. We recommend that you upgrade your request-tracker4 packages. For the detailed security status of request-tracker4 please refer to its security tracker page at: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/request-tracker4

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-5181-1 request-tracker4 -- security update

Date Reported:
13 Jul 2022
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2022-25802.
More information:

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Request Tracker, an extensible trouble-ticket tracking system.

  • CVE-2022-25802

    It was discovered that Request Tracker is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack when displaying attachment content with fraudulent content types.

    Additionally it was discovered that Request Tracker did not perform full rights checks on accesses to file or image type custom fields, possibly allowing access to these custom fields by users without rights to access to the associated objects, resulting in information disclosure.

For the oldstable distribution (buster), these problems have been fixed in version 4.4.3-2+deb10u2.

For the stable distribution (bullseye), these problems have been fixed in version 4.4.4+dfsg-2+deb11u2.

We recommend that you upgrade your request-tracker4 packages.

For the detailed security status of request-tracker4 please refer to its security tracker page at: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/request-tracker4