DSA-4348-1 openssl -- security update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-0732   CVE-2018-0734   CVE-2018-0735   CVE-2018-0737   CVE-2018-5407  

Several local side channel attacks and a denial of service via large Diffie-Hellman parameters were discovered in OpenSSL, a Secure Sockets Layer toolkit. For the stable distribution (stretch), these problems have been fixed in version 1.1.0j-1~deb9u1. Going forward, openssl security updates for stretch will be based on the 1.1.0x upstream releases. We recommend that you upgrade your openssl packages. For the detailed security status of openssl please refer to its security tracker page at: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/openssl

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-4348-1 openssl -- security update

Date Reported:
30 Nov 2018
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2018-0732, CVE-2018-0734, CVE-2018-0735, CVE-2018-0737, CVE-2018-5407.
More information:

Several local side channel attacks and a denial of service via large Diffie-Hellman parameters were discovered in OpenSSL, a Secure Sockets Layer toolkit.

For the stable distribution (stretch), these problems have been fixed in version 1.1.0j-1~deb9u1. Going forward, openssl security updates for stretch will be based on the 1.1.0x upstream releases.

We recommend that you upgrade your openssl packages.

For the detailed security status of openssl please refer to its security tracker page at: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/openssl